01 ━ Lilies and Roses

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one, Lilies and Roses

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one, Lilies and Roses

one, Lilies and Roses

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THE FIRST TIME YAMANAKA IZUMI LAID HER EYES UPON HATAKE KAKASHI WAS AT THE TENDER AGE OF FOUR. The silver-haired boy had just entered the Yamanaka clan's flower shop alongside his father, the infamous Hatake Sakumo. For a moment, the father-son duo lingered at the entrance with clutched hands, identical charcoal eyes drinking in the ever-so changing rows of various flowers in front of them, so bright and inviting, before moving towards the counter. Behind it stood Yamanaka Miho with a smile gracing her lips as she welcomed the new customers.

"Long time no see," the woman chuckled, referring to Sakumo's almost-weekly visits to the shop, "what can I do for you today, Hatake-san?"

In an instance, Sakumo's gaze travelled over the selection of flowers the shop had to offer, as he always did before revealing his order, only to settle on the Yamanaka's attentive features. "Flowers. I want to buy flowers."

Again, Miho chuckled. "I would be concerned if you wanted to buy anything but flowers at a flower shop." she said, smiling brighter, "Although you are welcome to try. Can't promise you will succeed, though."

Sakumo faux-frowned, "There go my plans for today."

"Always the charmer, eh?" she teased the man. "Anyways-"

"Can you get to the point already." huffed out a small voice, putting a stop to the conversation of the two adults.

The older Hatake barked out a laugh. "Always the impatient one, 'Kashi. Although, next time, let Yamanaka-san finish her sentence," he mused, ruffling his son's hair teasingly. Though, the child in question promptly moved his head away in order to escape his father's hand, inevitably so, as Sakumo's hand followed relentlessly. Then, Sakumo offered his son a smile. "Why don't you pick out some flowers while I catch up a little with her?"

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at his father. "But I don't know which. You always choose."

Miho interjected, clapping her hands excitedly. "A fantastic idea, Hatake-san!" Her warm gaze shifted towards the young boy, who looked more irritated than anything. "No need to worry about which to choose. I know exactly who could help you." For a moment, her eyes took on an eager glee before she turned away from the boy to look behind her. "Izumi," Miho spoke gently, "why don't you help pick out some flowers, it would be great practice for you."

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