19 ━ To Become a Chuunin or Not

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nineteen, To Become a Chuunin or Not

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nineteen, To Become a Chuunin or Not

nineteen, To Become a Chuunin or Not

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TO BECOME A CHUNIN OR NOT BECOME A CHUUNIN, that was the question. Team Eleven have been a team for several months now and after all that time, they even had already surpassed the needed amount of low-rank missions in order to qualify. It left them wondering: Was this year their chance?

Kushina-sensei thought it was.

"The other senseis and I have agreed to sign up all of you to participate in this year's Chuunin exams," In her hand, she held three papers which she promptly extended to her students. "All you three need to do is fill this out."

Each of the three Genin took one of the papers, inspecting it carefully. The thought of already applying to participate in the Chuunin exams felt like a fever dream, something they had made up during their many conversations.

"None of you are forced to participate, this is at your own will."

Izumi felt excitement rush through her as she skimmed over the application several times. Chuunin exams, I did it!

"Before the exams, we need to get some training done. I don't want to send you there unprepared." said Kushina, her hands placed on her hips as a doting mother would.

Chihiro was confused at that. "How, sensei?"

Kushina had a grin growing on her features. "I'll find us another team to bother, don't worry."

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