37 ━ Pregnancy Among Other Things

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thirty-seven, Pregnancy Among Other Things

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thirty-seven, Pregnancy Among Other Things

thirty-seven, Pregnancy Among Other Things

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"I HAVE SOME IMPORTANT NEWS FOR YOU," On the training ground on which Team Eleven usually met stood their sensei, Uzumaki Kushina, with a wide smile. "I'm expecting!"

The first to react to the news was Chihiro, on whose face a huge smile began to blossom. Softly, the strawberry-blond began to coe, letting out an excited "Congratulations!". After his reaction followed Sen, who congratulated her sensei softly, a gesture the redhead appreciated deeply.

Izumi, meanwhile, kept quiet and tilted her head in confusion, attempting to understand what the woman meant and what the fuss of her teammates was about. "Expecting what?"

"Oh Kami, Izumi," Sen had to resist the urge to slap her friend. "She's pregnant, you idiot."

"Oh," Izumi let out a gasp at the news. When her uncle had told her about her aunt's pregnancy, he hadn't told her in code. "Congratulations, sensei!"

"Thank you, you three," Kushina gave her students an appreciative smile before her expression dropped suddenly, turning into more of a frown. "But that also means I won't be able to train you anymore soon. At least not properly anymore."

Simultaneously, her student's expressions began to mirror her own, their delight fizzling out. "What? Sensei!"

Kushina let out a chuckle, the sound taking on both a happy and nostalgic tone. "I think that we have reached a part where we are past sensei now, y'know. Nee-san is just fine."

The change of honorifics felt oddly intimate, almost as though they were breaching a line they had crossed long ago, a line that defined them as way more than a team, but as a family. And if all four of them were honest with themselves, they didn't mind, not at all.

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