35 ━ Konoha Barrier Team

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thirty-five, Konoha Barrier Team

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thirty-five, Konoha Barrier Team

thirty-five, Konoha Barrier Team

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EARLY IN THE MORNING, after Izumi had calmly ate her breakfast with her parents, who had taken it upon themselves to hype her up for her first day at work, her uncle Inoichi rang the doorbell shortly after the sun had risen above the horizon.

"Knock knock." joked the man as soon as Izumi had opened the door to let him into the house. His features were decorated with a confident smirk, one that indicated that he believed his joke to be hilarious.

"I'm here." deadpanned Izumi as she held open the door.

Inoichi frowned at his niece. "You always ruin my joke, little one."

"That's because you have been telling the same one every time you ring the doorbell. You aren't even knocking."

"You are my least favorite niece, do you know that?"

"I'm your only niece."

"Ignore that."

"Accept it, brother, I am the funny sibling." Fuji gently placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder, coming to stand behind her. On his face, he wore a smirk, one directed at the blond Yamanaka.

Inoichi let out a snort. "Dream on, brother," Then the blond man reached out towards Fuji, fists connecting in a fist bump. "Good to see you."

Fuji reciprocated the gesture, smiling at his sibling. "Good to see you too."

"Inoichi, hello!" came a cheerful voice from behind Izumi, one that belonged to a smiling Miho. The woman stepped into the hallway, allowing herself to be visible for her brother-in-law. "It's good to see you again. I hope you have been well."

"See, Fuji, that is how you welcome your sibling!" Inoichi took a step into the warm hallway, the yellow walls welcoming him. Then he went on to engulf both his niece and daughter-in-law into a loving embracing, squeezing them tightly.

Miho let out a laugh at his action. "As charming as always."

"I try."

The blond man released his family members from his tight embrace before ruffling his niece's hair, making the girl giggle as she swatted his hand away playfully. In response, he grinned at her.

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