34 ━ Too Young for This

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thirty-four, Too Young For This

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thirty-four, Too Young For This

thirty-four, Too Young For This

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WHEN IZUMI HAD OPENED HER CERULEAN EYES THAT MORNING, allowing herself to first adjust to the bright morning sun before letting out a groan at having to leave the comforting space of her bed, she had not expected what was to come. At first, her day had begun like any other: with her parents she calmly ate breakfast, listening to her father's fact of the day with interest before getting ready to meet up with her team, maybe get a mission to do.

Her usual routine was interrupted once Izumi alongside her team had reached the Hokage tower. Like they normally would, they made their way to the mission desk and requested a rank-appropriate mission, expecting to be handed a scroll with information and to then leave. Instead, as soon as they had arrived, Izumi had been called to see the Hokage.

„Huh?" She had answered stupidly when the Hokage's assistant came to pick her up.

„You heard me." grumbled the assistant in response, beckoning her to follow him.

Izumi let out a sign at the interruption, turning towards her team with a slight scowl. „I'll see you later then." With a wave she turned on her heel and followed the assistant towards the Hokage's office, mind running haywire trying to figure out what it was that he wanted to discuss. At the same time, she remembered that there was something she also had to discuss with him. Urgently.

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