38 ━ Let The Wedding Bells Ring

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thirty-eight, Let The Wedding Bells Ring

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thirty-eight, Let The Wedding Bells Ring

thirty-eight, Let The Wedding Bells Ring

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THE DAY OF THE WEDDING HAD ARRIVED QUICKLY, much faster than anticipated. While many of the preparations were done last minute, everything turned out as planned, even though it was done in a hurry.

In the evening of the previous day, Yamanaka Izumi had found herself hurrying around within the venue, various flowers in hand as she did so.

In her dominant hand, Izumi clutched a massive bouquet of heliotropes, flowers that stood for both devotion and eternal love, as she rushed to find either her mother or her aunt somewhere in the venue. It had taken her longer than assumed in order to find near-perfect flowers, though once she had found them, she had immediately taken them along with her. The flowers were something she had once told Kushina about, the woman grinning at the mention of them. Shortly after, the redhead had declared the flowers to be something she once wanted to be part of a celebration.

Izumi could only hope that they were the right fit for the wedding.

In the venue bustled people unfamiliar to the brunette, preparing the last preparations for the wedding. As it happened early in the morning, shortly after sunrise, the flowers were brought in late in the night to ensure that the next day they would still be well. Among the people, Izumi spotted a familiar frame rushing around, honey hair peeking out of a messy bun the woman wore.

"Yua-oba!" She called out to her aunt.

At the call of her name, the woman turned around, eyes lighting up at the sight of her niece. "'Zumi!" Yua's stomach was heavy, her pregnancy had become more so than obvious. Gently, she cradled it as she stood.

Once she arrived at Yua's side, Izumi let out a harsh breath. "I got the flowers."

"Heliotropes? How wonderful!" gushed the woman, a smile blossoming on her features. "I knew we could rely on you to make the decision."

Izumi could feel her cheeks flush at the compliment. "Ah, well, I merely learned from the best."

Yua let out a warm laugh at that. "Always the charmer, just like your father. But what can I do for you?" When she smiled, she had an ethereal glow to her.

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