31 ━ The Damned

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thirty-one, The Damned

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thirty-one, The Damned

thirty-one, The Damned

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WHEN IZUMI AND MINATO RETURNED FROM THEIR MISSION, neither of them could have been prepared for what greeted them soon after. Their mission had been a success, leaving them with delight rushing through their body, excitement following shortly after at Izumi soon doing her Jounin exams.

In Konoha meanwhile, things were looking grim, the air feeling tight.

Rin was dead. Kakashi on the other hand was in the hospital, alive. While Izumi would always wish for Kakashi to be the one coming back from a mission unharmed, never would she wish injury on any of his teammates or companions. Especially not sweet Rin, so shortly after having lost Obito so shortly before, her death felt like a trick of fate.

When Izumi entered the hospital room where Kakashi was saying, a sense of familiarity rushed through her body, the scene feeling like a repetition of Obito's death months prior. In the same position the silver-haired sat huddled on his bed, but now without his eye covered, instead, it was closed, a crimson Sharingan hiding underneath. Again she found herself sitting by his bedside, on another yellow plastic chair.

"Kakashi," She spoke gently, nudging him softly. "It's me, Izu."

Kakashi was turned away from her, his charcoal eye staring ahead. "I killed her." He murmured.

Izumi was quick to deny his claims, shaking her head in sadness. "You didn't kill her. Rin was a clever girl, she knew what she was doing." She couldn't figure out why exactly the Nohara had decided to throw herself in front of her teammate's jutsu (according to the mission report handed to her previously), but knew her decision to not be without reason.

"Then why?" He sounded so done, his voice was wavering and cracking with each sound leaving his lips.

"I don't know," Izumi shook her head softly, letting out a sigh. "I wish I knew, but I can't tell you."

"I promised Obito that ..."

"Shh, I know. And you did your best, Kashi."

"I could have done so much more."

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