40 ━ Nine-Tailed Fox

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forty-, Nine-Tailed Fox

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forty-, Nine-Tailed Fox

forty-, Nine-Tailed Fox

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THE AIR FELT TIGHT, almost suffocating.

Something was wrong, deeply wrong.

While Izumi sat with her father Fuji in one of the training rooms in the Yamanaka clan compound, they shared a look of equal confusion as a wave of anger and hatred washed over them out of nowhere. At the overwhelming emotions, they shuddered simultaneously, both breathing in sharply afterward.

"What was that?" quizzed Izumi, brows set into a furrow. She couldn't decipher where the wave had come from, where its source was located, so she hoped her father could.

Fuji felt just as lost, shaking his head, equally confused. "I wish I knew. Best be cautious, munchkin." While he was a great sensor, even he felt lost, his inner clock utterly confused.

The wave having overcome them had felt so strong, overwhelming every other emotion they had felt. Izumi's own delight she felt at spending time with her father was drowned by the tidal wave, turning her smile into a scowl.

What was happening?

Her gaze immediately traveled to the few windows of the room, cerulean eyes scanning the outside area for any hint of what had caused the sudden change in atmosphere. Though there was nothing, nor was there a hint of anything happening. No explosion, no signs of enemy infiltration, nothing.

"Maybe I should go and check with the Barrier Team," Izumi stood up from her spot seated on a soft pillow, and brushed off her clothing, giving her father a wry smile as she did so. "Maybe they know more." While she was not eager at all to interrupt their time together, the curiosity and worry were overwhelming.

"Izumi," Her father reached out and grasped the sleeve of her top. Rarely ever did he address her by her full name. "Stay here. I don't have a good feeling about this."

Izumi swallowed, nodding her head. "Alright," She told him softly as soon as she saw his lips twist in worry. "Alright."

As Izumi settled back into her original position beside her father, her knees tucked against her chest and her arms wrapping around them to pull them closer, she felt worry churn in her stomach.

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