Bonus: A Glimpse of Us

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A huge thank you to everyone who has read this story, this is for you! Enjoy this little collection of (reworked) snippets of On My Mind that went unpublished. <3

approx. 1 year after the final chapter

"Back up a little, Izu, or you'll burn yourself." Ever so carefully, Kakashi snaked his arm around Izumi's waist and gently pried her away from the turned-on stove, subsequently holding her flush to his own body.

Izumi couldn't help the heat rising to her cheeks at their proximity, and let out a small, awkward cough. While their relationship wasn't exactly new, Izumi found it difficult to get used to the accidental lingering touches between them or the way Kakashi was standing closer than usual to her.

For a brief moment, she wondered whether the novels he was reading were his reference when it came to his sudden and new touchiness with her.

"The oil could still rise up a little, so being close to it isn't safe. You can watch from a distance."

Izumi turned in his grip to face him, her cheeks painted a soft red. To her silver-haired boyfriend, it could look as though the colour stemmed from the heat of the stove against her face, but she knew otherwise.

From underneath her lashes, she looked up at him. "What are you making anyways, chef?"

Kakashi let out a small laugh at the nickname. He leaned around her figure and stirred the mixture with a spoon. "Miso soup with eggplant, your favourite."

Izumi let out a snort, slapping his arm playfully. "It's your favourite too, dummy."

"Our favourite, then," He corrected cheekily. "Although if I remember correctly it was your favourite first."

"Doesn't matter, 'Kashi. Our favourite now."

"If that's what you say, it must be true," Kakashi adjusted his grip on her hips, gently moving her a little further to the side so that he could reach the spices on the counter. "And the food is done. Mind taste testing it for me, Izu?"

Before he even finished the sentence, Izumi's hand moved to retrieve a spoon from the drawer beside her. "It would be my pleasure."

Carefully, Izumi turned in Kakashi's grip again, doing her best to ignore how his grip on her waist loosened , and he helped her spin around, his finger grazing her bare skin. Then, she dipped her spoon into the hot spoon, lifting it up and holding her hand underneath it, so it wouldn't drip onto the floor. As her mother always advised her to do, Izumi blew on it so it wouldn't be too hot and then tasted it, almost moaning at the wonderful taste.

Almost nervously, his fingers danced on her skin. "And, what do you think?"

"It's amazing, as always, 'Kashi!" Izumi said, dipping her spoon into the soup to get another taste. "You better be careful or there will be nothing left for you."

Kakashi let out a laugh and shook his head. "If you say so."

As it turned out, Izumi wasn't lying, not one bit. Because as soon as Kakashi had detached himself from her and prepared two bowls for them, his girlfriend had dug into the meal like a starved animal. Quietly, he watched her enjoy her meal with a smile on his face, one that began to falter when he noticed that her body was turned away from his.

Kakashi's brows knit together as he said, "You can turn to face me, you know that, right, Izu?"

Izumi turned to him and stared wide-eyed, unable to hide the look of shock on her face. "I can?"

On My Mind ━━ Kakashi HatakeWhere stories live. Discover now