21 ━ Forest of Death I

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twenty-one, Forest of Death I

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twenty-one, Forest of Death I

twenty-one, Forest of Death I

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SHORTLY AFTER THE START OF THE SECOND ROUND OF THE CHUUNIN EXAMS, the team of three found themselves sitting high above on the branches of trees to gain some coverage. Below them, the sounds of various animals could be heard, though there were no signs of human life anywhere. Their disadvantages were to be found in their lack of sensory abilities. While Izumi as a Yamanaka already had sensory abilities slightly above the average, it was nowhere enough to counter the abilities of those older than them who were participating. If an enemy were coming their way, the brunette would notice, but not soon enough to create an efficient plan. She regretted not honing the ability enough.

"We need a trap." Sen broke the carefully-crafted silence between the three with her idea.

"A trap?" Chihiro was a little confused, though his mind immediately began to think of a trap they could construct.

The Yamanaka of their team apparently did not think the same and instead wore a thoughtful expression for a moment, blue eyes staring holes into the dark green treetops. "Why don't we just use Sen as bait?"

Sen was curious at first, but then grew weary. "Why me?"

"You're the smallest."

It was true. While Chihiro stood as the tallest of the three, Izumi followed with not much of a height difference behind. Together, the two of them towered over the raven-haired Nara, making her appear even shorter than she already did on her own. So much anger in such a small body, Izumi thought, questioning how that was possible.

Still, wrong answer.

Sen glared at Izumi, making a move towards the brunette. "Now listen up here flower freak!"

"I'll listen from up here for sure." Izumi looked down at the smaller girl, letting out an amused giggle at the expression gracing the Nara's features: dark scrunched up brows and beautiful lips pulled into a scowl.

"Okay, idiot-"

Chihiro intervened. "No fighting you two, we only fight enemies here." He held his arms out between the two. The action was metaphoric as of purpose since he sat between Izumi and Sen on the thick tree branch.

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