04 ━ Mind Transfer Technique

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four, Mind Transfer Technique

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four, Mind Transfer Technique

four, Mind Transfer Technique

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FAMILY DINNERS WERE ALWAYS SOMETHING IZUMI HAD ENJOYED, especially breakfast. There was something exciting and so special about the way the three Yamanakas sat down together to enjoy their first meal of the day, sharing laughter and delight.

"'Zumi, sweets, how is the training with Kakashi going?" asked Miho, chin gently placed on the back of her hand while she looked at her daughter with a curious glint in her blue eyes.

"It's okay, but a little harsh sometimes since he kicks my butt regularly. That doesn't mean that I'm not improving, because I am!" She grinned at her parents, voice dripping with glee. "I even blocked several of his hits and kicks successfully. It was really really cool until he then kicked my butt, as usual. I don't mind, I will improve and get better. We've only trained a dozen of times or so, I still have a chance. But I'm pretty sure I have bruises everywhere now," Izumi scowled for a moment before she smiled again. "but do be a good kunoichi means to endure, right? That's what the elders always say."

Fuji intervened at the mention of the elders. "Not exactly, don't listen to their every word. They are old and often speak nonesense."

Izumi furrowed her brows in confusion. "But they are the elders, aren't they like, all-knowing?"

"Being old does not make you wise or all-knowing. They are more all-complaining if anything." Miho held back a scoff, schooling her frustration at the elders.

"Miho," Fuji wore a slightly stern expression, looking at his wife pointedly. "The elders may be frustrating, yes, but we still have to treat them with some sort of respect, don't forget that, my flower." His gaze softened once his green eyes met her blue ones.

"I know, sadly." She was dejected, frowning a little. The elders were difficult to get along with since they stuck their noses into everyones business, only to then intervene, complain and attempt to get their way. Miho despised them for that. They were the sames ones after all who got in the way of Miho and Yua's ownership of the Yamanaka flower shop, arguing that two women from outside clans should not lead the clan's business. Both Fuji and Inoichi had protested the claim and also won, though not without great difficulty. "Let's switch the topic, shall we?" she offered.

On My Mind ━━ Kakashi HatakeWhere stories live. Discover now