28 ━ The Burden of a Jounin

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twenty-eight, The Burden of a Jounin

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twenty-eight, The Burden of a Jounin

twenty-eight, The Burden of a Jounin

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"I GOT THIS FOR YOU." said Izumi as she held out a brown box to Kakashi with her gift for his promotion in it. Around it wrapped a navy ribbon, tied together perfectly atop the mahogany wood.

His first mission of a Jounin was about to begin, meaning she had to give him the gift she had gotten for him before he left. As they stood near the gates of Konoha, Izumi's hands almost began to tremble in the anticipation she was feeling, patiently waiting for her gift to be accepted.

Kakashi took the present into his hands, smiling underneath his mask. The outline of his smile was barely visible on the outside, though the brunette noticed immediately. Carefully he pulled at the end of the ribbon, charcoal eyes carefully watching the material fall apart in his hand. He stuffed it into his pocket before raising his hand once again to open the wooden box. For a moment he looked over at Izumi, taking in her reaction. Then his fingers pried open the box to reveal a bracelet.

"Just so you know no matter what happens, you will never be alone." A token for their friendship, one could say.

The bracelet was woven delicately, strings in shades of blue forming a beautiful pattern all across the bracelet, complementing each other. The clasp of the bracelet was shiny silver, glittering in the small amount of light. Kakashi thought it was too nice of a gift to be worn by a Shinobi, regardless, he appreciated it.

"I don't want it to break accidentally."

"You don't have to worry about that, Kashi. I thought ahead! I asked Kushina-sensei to enforce it with fuinjutsu so it would not break."

The thought warmed his heart. She had gone to such lengths for him. Just for him. "Thank you, Izu. I appreciate it."

Delicately he took the bracelet out of its wooden confinement and placed the box underneath his arm in order to put the bracelet on. Once he had gotten the clasp open, Kakashi attempted to wrap it around his non-dominant wrist, though failed each time he tried. Sheepishly, he looked up at his friend before motioning to the bracelet. Izumi let out a giggle but gave him a broad smile, taking the bracelet out of his hand into her own. With much more precision than him, she quickly wrapped it around his wrist, clasping it together once she had done so. Immediately afterward a small light emitted from the gift and subdued again.

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