16 ━ Honesty

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sixteen, Honesty

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sixteen, Honesty

sixteen, Honesty

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IN FRONT OF THE THREE GENIN STOOD A WOMAN WITH LONG AND VIBRANT RED HAIR, it was so long that even when tied into a ponytail, it hung to the lower part of her hips. Her eyes were just as vibrant, a shade of violet Izumi had never seen before. She was dressed in a Konoha flak jacket, the green complimenting her hair. The same could be said about the uniform she wore, it only accentuated her gentle features.

"I'm Uzumaki Kushina, y'know!" The woman was also very loud. "You three are my first Genin team. I like eating ramen, especially Teuchi's ramen, it's the best! And spending time with my friend Minato, that's also great."

During the entire time she talked, Kushina wore a big grin. It was absolutely infectious, as it gave both Izumi and Chihiro the sudden urge to also smile.

"Us four are going to be a four-person cell from now on, a team." Her grin only got broader as she talked. Simultaneously, Kushina began talking faster too. "That means we need to learn to trust and to depend on each other." Her expression turned softer, giving her a glow. "I don't know you yet so, you better introduce yourselves. Happy, you're up!" Their sensei pointed over to Izumi.

Izumi shuffled on the bench, scooting around. "I'm Yamanaka Izumi," She began, head turned upwards towards their sensei. "I like flowers, reading, training with my friend and my father. I dislike oranges and, uh, lemon cake because it tastes bad. My dream or goal for the future is to be able to protect the people I love and to master my clan's technique."

"You're so cute! But you are right, lemon cake is indeed horrible." Kushina contorted her face into one of delight and then of disgust. "Next up, sleepy." She then pointed over at Sen, who wore an unamused question. Her hands were crossed behind her neck while her body lay relaxed against the tree stump behind her.

"I'm Nara Sen. I like sleeping, it's great. I dislike not sleeping. My goal is to be able to do anything I want, like sleeping."

"I also like sleeping!" Kushina grinned, turning towards the Akimichi of the team. "And now you, dopey."

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