02 ━ Winter Festival

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two, Winter Festival

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two, Winter Festival

two, Winter Festival

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THE SECOND TIME HATAKE KAKASHI SAW YAMANAKA IZUMI WAS DURING THE WINTER FESTIVAL. The joyous occasion lured many families out of the comfort of their warm homes into the chilly and frosted winter air. Individuals wrapped in scarves, hats and gloves in all colours imaginable busied the tight streets to make their way there, creating a contrast to the usually white and empty streets of Konoha. Among these families was part of the Yamanaka family: Fuji and Izumi (Miho had come down with a cold for the occasion).

Because of the season, traction in the clan's flower shop had come to a slow, bringing in fewer and fewer customers during the frosty season. Those who bought bouquets, such as the Hatakes did, purchasing the same bouquet Izumi had made over and over again, continued making their regular appearances to pick up their order, meanwhile others who purchased seeds and garden-flowers to plant, nurture and help prosper came in less-regularly. Even with the potential help of heat-inducing jutsus, not many dared to attempt to aid new life come to be under the thick blankets of snow covering the village.

Strings of fairy lights were carefully woven from building to building, not only creating a scenery straight out of the novels Izumi read in her pastime, but they also brought a new glow to the rather grim Konoha. Yet another war has just started: the Third Great Shinobi War and just like during the second war, tensions were running high while an air of despair and worry flooded the streets. Nevertheless, the Jounin lurking around every corner were obvious to even those who weren't sensory types. Izumi chose to ignore them.

Her small hand was situated in her father's own, allowing her to keep a rhythmic step with Yamanaka Fuji. Even before the war had been announced, the man barely ventured outside and kept to the inside of the family's home instead, drowning himself in an endless amount of books. It wasn't as though he could do many other things, at least not on his own. That fact never stopped him, though. Regardless of the circumstance, Izumi admired the man, for his vast knowledge of various subjects, for his relentless spirit. He would use his knowledge frequently in order to entertain Izumi and her mother at the breakfast and dinner tables, starting a discussion about something he had just read about. It always made her smile.

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