43 ━ Road to Recovery

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forty-three, Road to Recovery

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forty-three, Road to Recovery

forty-three, Road to Recovery

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Weeks later ...

THE ROAD TO RECOVERY WAS A LONG ONE, there was no doubt about that. Even with the assistance of not only her family, but also her friends, the way to how things were prior to the attack was a long one. No matter how difficult her way back into life would be, Izumi decided that she would give all that she got until the very end.

All things are easier said than done, though.

Without a doubt, those days spent in the hospital were far longer than those at home or even on missions. They just seemed to drag on forever and ever, with no end in sight for them. Between physical therapy and her time reading, Izumi mostly lay in bed, simply staring at the ceiling and contemplating life.

On many days, however, she was like to have a certain silver-haired visit her when he wasn't doing missions or injured following said missions. He usually came by after Sen had done her daily check-up and then left for the nurse station. More than anything, her two friends appeared to work in tandem alongside Chihiro, who came by as often as he could with enough food for two.

"You need some nutrition, something healthy. Hospital food alone won't get you healthy," Chihiro had told her sternly. "So you better eat up."

While she appreciated his almost daily visits very much so, the brunette had the inkling of a suspicion that Sen, too, drew the Akimichi boy into the hospital. By now, Izumi was pretty sure that the two of them were dating, or at least going out together. She was able to conclude that from the way Chihiro reacted to her teasing with a fainter blush than usual, one that could not compare to the usual sea of flaming red he sported on his chubby cheeks.

The last indication she got was when she had asked the teen, and he had begun to stutter a reply of how they had meant to tell her and hadn't found the right time yet. Izumi had waved them off and instead enjoyed the news. She had been waiting for them to get together for a while now, after all. She could not have received better news during her time in the hospital.

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