33 ━ Yondaime Hokage

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thirty-three, Yondaime Hokage

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thirty-three, Yondaime Hokage

thirty-three, Yondaime Hokage

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WHILE IZUMI HAD ALWAYS PERCEIVED KAKASHI'S TRAINING TO NOT ONLY BE INTENSE AND SWEAT-BREAKING, Maito Gai's was a whole another level of challenging. By the end of their short training session, her body felt as though it were on fire from all the taijutsu she had to use. While she was good at using it and could hold her own, against someone as Gai, a master in taijutsu, she stood chanceless. For his abilities, she deeply respected the determined boy. It was also why she didn't hesitate when he asked her to train with him.

"I want to be able to beat my eternal rival one day," began Gai, a radiant smile on his features. "And since you train with him, the best way to beat him is to train with you. Training with a Jounin will bring me closer to my youth!"

She may not have been able to fully comprehend his train of thought, but still found herself nodding enthusiastically, accepting his request. "I'm sure you can keep up with him."

Gai's eyes grew wide, his face ecstatic. "You think so?"

His expression made Izumi giggle. "Totally! But I have to warn you, taijutsu is not my forte."

And she was right, it was not her forte, especially not against Gai. The way she panted on her way to get some dango after training proved her point. All of a sudden, every breath felt heavier than before, her legs throbbing in exhaustion as they walked. With every step the sensations lessened, and she felt better, but still as though she had just been dragged across the ground.

By the Hokage tower there was a huge crowd gathering, people pushing and squeezing their way to the front, where something was going on. Gai and Izumi turned to look at each other, both confused by the circumstance presented to them.

"What's going on?" asked Gai, standing on his tiptoes in order to see over the crowd, though his efforts were to no avail.

"No idea." Izumi attempted the same, only to also fail.

The brunette reached out towards the boy wearing green spandex and grabbed his wrist to pull him with her into the bustling crowd, ready to push their way to the front to see what was attracting so much attention. In front of the Hokage tower was placed a wooden sign with writing on it.

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