08 ━ Distractions

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eight, Distractions

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eight, Distractions

eight, Distractions

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TRAINING WITH KAKASHI, who now was a Genin, was much different from training before he had risen up in the social chain and become a Shinobi. The boy had grown harsher, his hits stronger and deeper. There were now no doubts to Izumi that he held back on her. All she could do was give it her all, to become stronger, to maybe one day, match his strength and become somewhat of an equal to him.

A kunai flew past her head, the sound of it cutting through the air rang in her ear.

"Don't daydream while fighting, Izumi." scolded Kakashi.

She huffed, panting from the fight. "I'm not daydreaming!" She was, but he didn't need to know that. "I was thinking."

"About what?"

"About how to beat you someday."

That seemed to spurn him on. The silver-haired boy pushed himself off of the ground, flinging himself at his friend with a kunai drawn, ready to clash against her own. Metal met metal and a sharp noise rushed through the air. The kunai Izumi had thrown to deter her opponent's successfully hit its target, making Kakashi's kunai fall to the ground alongside hers.

Izumi cheered at that, letting out a quiet "Yes." at her success.

Kakashi snorted drily at her action.

Izumi playfully glared at him in response, pointing a finger at him. "Stop laughing at me, Hatake!"

He smirked. "Stop acting ridiculous then."

She wagged her finger. "Aha! So you admit that I'm funny then?"

"I said ridiculous, not funny."

"You see, Kashi, same thing."

He sighed. "We aren't having this conversation again, Izumi."

"Never say never-"

In response, he threw a kunai, one he made sure not to hit the brunette, but rather to shut her up.

She glared at him. "Hey!"

On My Mind ━━ Kakashi HatakeWhere stories live. Discover now