20 ━ Team Matches

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twenty, Team Matches

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twenty, Team Matches

twenty, Team Matches

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WHEN KUSHINA-SENSEI HAD MENTIONED ANOTHER TEAM DURING RAMEN, more specifically that she would find them another team to bother, not Sen, not Chihiro, and certainly not Izumi could have expected to be faced with Team Minato on a quiet Sunday.

"Since both of our teams need to work on our skills for the upcoming Chuunin exams, we thought it would be best to do that together." explained a smiling Minato to all six Genins.

"Right," drawled Sen, scowling as she rolled her eyes, "that's what you say to cover up the fact that you and Kushina-sensei just want to spend time together while training your teams."

Both senseis blushed at that, refusing to meet each other's gaze.

"But Sen," the words left Izumi's lips in a slight whine, "who wouldn't want that to do that, that's so romantic!"

"I wouldn't."

"That's because Sen wouldn't even train someone in the first place." commented Chihiro.

"Exactly. You get me, chubs."

Chihiro looked a little proud at that.

"I think this is exciting." said Rin, as delighted as ever.

Obito quickly agreed. "Let's kick their butts!"

"More like you will get your butt kicked." muttered Kakashi under his breath, but not quiet enough for his dark-haired teammate to not hear.

The Uchiha spun around, an annoyed expression clear on his features. "I heard that, Bakashi!"

Izumi snorted at the nickname. "Bakashi?"

"It's a nickname I made up for him." Obito pointed over to the silver-haired boy, who in turn glared. "Do you like it, Izumi?"

She giggled. "Very much so."

Kakashi felt a little offended at that, his lips tugging downward. She gave him a grin in response.

"Now, all of you," Minato-sensei clapped his hands together in order to gain the attention of the six Genin. "The plan is to do some individual sparing first and then work in teams."

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