11 ━ A Child After All

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eleven, A Child After All

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eleven, A Child After All

eleven, A Child After All

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FOR THE FEW DAYS WHICH KAKASHI HAS STAYED WITH THE YAMANAKA FAMILY IN THEIR HOME, a thick blanket of love had been brought around his shoulders. From the moment he had stepped one foot into the warm hallway of the home, he had been shuffled along to sit down and relax. If you need anything, just ask, Miho had told him, giving him a smile that was so motherly.

He had settled himself upon the cosy red couch in the living room, decorated with countless pillows in various other shades of red. Around his shoulders sat a vivid navy blanket, it was weighted, or so he noticed. He couldn't help but draw it tighter around his body as he sat there sometimes, unmoving and quiet until breakfast, lunch or dinner was served.

Most of the other time he spent outside, training. To him, training was an outlet of his emotions, of all he was feeling. Kakashi was a whirlwind of emotions that needed to find an outlet, an outlet in training. With every kick and hit he could feel himself become calmer, and yet his mind remained a storm of thoughts. He was determined, almost desperate, to make sure to not become the man his father had been.

Still, he couldn't resist the comfort presented to him once he returned to the place he temporarily lived in, where a majority of his belongings have been moved once he had agreed to stay. Once he stepped inside, taking off his dirtied Shinobi sandals in the process, Kakashi instantly felt warmer. The shade of yellow the walls were painted in had an effect on him, even if he wouldn't admit it out loud.

Inside, it smelt wonderful. He had learned quickly that Yamanaka Miho was a wonderful cook, a woman with a talent like barely any other. No matter what dish she had made for him to figure out his taste had been delicious, a gift for his taste buds. His stomach grumbled in approval.

Before Kakashi was even able to see the woman approach, Miho stood behind him with one of her hands gently placed on his shoulder. Softly, she guided him towards the dinner table, pulling out a chair for him to sit in. He sat down, and she pushed him towards the table where a steaming cooking pot sat.

"You must be hungry from all that training, Kakashi. Izumi and Fuji should be here in a second."

As though the missing members of the family had been awaiting their cue, they wandered into the room, both cerulean and olive eyes lightening up at the sight they were met up with. Just as quickly as they had entered, they sat themselves down at the table, with Izumi by Kakashi's side and Fuji across from the silver-haired boy.

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