32 ━ Something Nice

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thirty-two, Something Nice

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thirty-two, Something Nice

thirty-two, Something Nice

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DURING THE TIME KAKASHI SPENT IN THE HOSPITAL, recovering before he was released, Izumi meanwhile made Jounin. As anticipated, the exam was quite the challenge, Shinobi twice her age and experience participating, but she mastered the hurdle with one try (an exhausting one at that).

After being checked on by a medical ninja and having her wounds and cuts healed, the brunette immediately rushed to the hospital room of her silver-haired friend, almost barging in at all the excitement she felt. Once Izumi had reached the door, she stopped herself, knocking first and asking for permission to enter.

"Kashi!" said Izumi excitedly once she saw that the room was devoid of anyone but her friend.

He lay on the hospital bed, half of his face covered by the usual mask he wore. His headband meanwhile lay on the table beside him, the crimson Sharingan eye left uncovered but closed. The silver gravity-defying hair was a mop of hair sitting atop his head, partially covering his eye. Kakashi looked adorable, or so she thought.

And unusually peaceful.

"Izumi." He greeted, sitting up a little.

She rushed over to his side, pulling a maroon plastic chair to the side of his bed to sit down beside him. "How are you?" Her cerulean eyes wandered to meet his charcoal one, carefully inspecting his reaction.

Kakashi kept quiet for a moment before replying: "Better."

Izumi took a deep breath. "I hope that you know that with me, you don't have to pretend." While he was quite the honest person, sometimes she worried he lied to her about his progress to keep her from asking further.

"I'm not pretending." When he spoke, his voice came out scratchy, almost cracking with every word.

The brunette gave him a look from the peripheral of her vision before turning towards the table beside his bed, gently grasping the glass of water placed there. "Drink a little, your throat will be better then." Determinedly, she held it out to him, not offering but rather ordering him to do so.

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