46 ━ Behind the Mask

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forty-six, Behind the Mask

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forty-six, Behind the Mask

forty-six, Behind the Mask

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BEHIND HIS MASK, Kakashi hid more secrets than he could ever allow spilling from his lips. They were the same secrets that put a burden on him and his shoulders, an insufferable weight that was beginning to suffocate him. Every lie weighed on him more, and had him feeling trapped in his own actions. Yet, there was no one he could share his burden with, no one who knew of the weight he carried.

"If you love someone, you show them your true self. If they can't accept it, then they don't love you.".

He had to tell Izumi, he had realized that by now. Honesty was something she valued deeply and something she always strove to show him, for him to not be able to reciprocate that felt wrong, hurtful even.

The last thing he ever wanted to do was to hurt her, whether intentionally or unintentionally. That was exactly why he had asked her to come over to his place after her shift in the Barrier Team ended, and the fact alone that he was expecting her made him nervous. His hands felt clammier than usual, and his heartbeat picked up in pace.

Kakashi thought that the effect she had on him was unfair. He didn't see her acting the same as he did around him, rather, she was as she always was. How he couldn't stay calm and nonchalant in her mere presence, he did not know, but it drove him crazy.

That was also why Kakashi startled too much when a dog resonated at his door, echoing through his entirely silent apartment. The mere sound had his stomach churning already in worry and his expression faltering from its usual nonchalance. That also made the way to the door more difficult, his legs practically trembling as he hurried over to open it, revealing a certain smiling brunette.

"Kashi!" Izumi grinned as she stood in the doorway, excitement written all over her face.

He swallowed harshly to desperately keep the red away from his face. "Hey, I-Izu."

Why are you stuttering, idiot?

Concerned, she titled her head at him. "You look a bit red, are you alright? Do you have a fever?" With her hand, Izumi reached out toward him to rest her hand on his forehead, before he took a step away from her to avoid said hand.

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