13 ━ Right Where You Left Me

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thirteen, Right Where You Left Me

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thirteen, Right Where You Left Me

thirteen, Right Where You Left Me

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WHEN IZUMI WOKE UP IN THE MORNING TO RAYS OF SUNSHINE BLINDING HER, she let out a soft groan. Shades of yellow illuminated her bedroom and gave it a soft glow.

The kunai Kakashi had won for her weeks ago hung on the wall of her room, glittering in the soft sunlight like it did when she first saw it. Izumi couldn't help but smile at the memories playing in her mind.

He had won it ... for her. She smiled.

Izumi rushed out of her bed, excitement painted on her face. Once she stood in front of Kakashi's door, she knocked softly, hoping that the boy was awake already. Patiently, she waited in front of the door, shuffling on her feet in anticipation. There was no response, not one sign that he was either sleeping soundly or awake in his room. The lack of a reaction made her frown.

"Kakashi," She called out to him softly. "Can I come in?"

Yet again, no response. Worry began to bubble up in her stomach. Maybe he's just training?

Izumi reached for the doorknob, hand shaking, before she twisted it to open the room. She pushed the door open to reveal an empty room, no silver-haired boy in sight. Her insides twisted up in worry.

"Kakashi?" She called out again, voice beginning to waver.

As expected, there was no response. Not even Pakkun could be found in the room. The door of his closet stood slightly ajar, as though recently opened, and his bedside table was empty except for the lamp standing on it. His bed was carefully made, sheets tucked in neatly and pillows fluffed. His belongings were gone.

Did he leave?

Izumi shook her head to evict the thought, pushing against the possibility. Her suspicion was easily confirmed by a single note laying on the sheets. On the note, the familiar handwriting stood out to her. Izumi didn't even have to read who signed the note because she already knew. Kakashi.

Dear Izumi, Miho and Fuji,

I am ready to live by myself again, which is why I have decided to move back into the clan compound again. I can't thank you for your kindness and for letting me stay with you. Now it's time for me to leave.
- Kakashi

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