27 ━ To Be a Jounin

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twenty-seven, To Be a Jounin

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twenty-seven, To Be a Jounin

twenty-seven, To Be a Jounin

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IZUMI AND SEN WERE WALKING THROUGH THE BUSY STREETS OF KONOHA, squeezing past people in order to get to their destination: Kushina-sensei's place. Only the former had a special request for the woman, but the latter was dragged with her to the quest, using the time to tease her friend mercilessly.

"With how Rin was acting, I think she might have a crush on Kakashi." Sen's dark eyes were watching Izumi's reaction intently.

Hatake Kakashi had just been promoted to the Jounin rank. To say Izumi felt proud of the silver-haired would be an understatement, her heart soared once he had told her. It also led her to plan something for her best friend to properly congratulate him for his success.

Izumi had not been the only one to organize something for the silver-haired Jounin. Nohara Rin had rounded up people from their year to get him something as congratulations to be the first to be promoted to such a rank. Izumi thought the plan was very much so adorable, but at the same time, they interfered a bit with her own plans.

"I asked everyone to come and discuss the gift." said Rin, a giddy smile accompanying the blush on her cheeks.

Izumi had drowned at the girl, focusing on the paper just handed to her instead. 'Top Secret Mission: Gift for Kakashi to celebrate his promotion' was written on it in delicate handwriting. Reading it made her frown slightly, though she quickly schooled her expression into one of delight.

From the peripheral of her vision, she could see Obito standing to the side, looking disappointed. His cheeks were tinted pink though his eyes gleamed with sadness as he looked down at the same paper, reading it over and over again. The smile he had put on was not as convincing as he had probably thought of it to be.

"What do you think would he like, Izumi?"

The brunette turned her focus away from the upset Uchiha boy and instead focused on the girl he was obviously crushing on, Rin. Rin gave her a shy smile, lips tugged upwards once she had finished her question. She fiddled with the paper she was holding, looking at Izumi expectantly.

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