39 ━ Godparents

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thirty-nine, Godparents

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thirty-nine, Godparents

thirty-nine, Godparents

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"HOW WAS YOUR HONEYMOON" was the first thing Izumi asked once she stepped past the threshold of the shared home of the Namikaze-Uzumaki couple.

Immediately afterwards she found herself pulled into a tight embrace, familiar vivid red hair tickling her skin while she was being pressed into the figure of her sister. Kushina's strong arms encircled Izumi's waist, almost crushing her in the hug. Against her stomach, the brunette could feel the prodding belly of the woman, an evidence of the pregnancy.

"You- crushing- me, the baby." rasped out Izumi once her air flow became more restricted, the need for air growing.

Minato let out a laugh at their antics, watching them fondly. "Kushina, let the poor girl breathe."

Kushina turned to face her husband and pouted at him. "She's breathing just fine."

Izumi shook her head in denial, her cheeks squishing against the shoulders of the older woman.

"Kushina." repeated Minato playfully, nudging his wife's side with his elbow.

The redhead relented with a sigh, "Fine," She released the tight grip she had on the brunette, allowing her to breathe. "This reminds me! Minato and I need to talk to you, urgently."

While Izumi was happily breathing in the air which she had been missing, her former sensei had other ideas. The older woman leaned forward and grabbed the brunette's hand tightly, pulling her towards the couch in the living room. Izumi followed as quickly as she could, her steps hurried, leaving her almost stumbling over her own feet. The next moment, a set of hands were placed on her shoulder, gently pushing her back into the soft material of one of the couches. Opposite of Izumi, on an identical couch sat down the happy couple, expressions drawn into lovesick ones.

"Izumi, Minato and I have something to ask of you," Kushina gave her student a loving smile as she leaned her head on the shoulder of her husband. "We want you to be the godmother of Naruto."

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