22 ━ Forest of Death II

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twenty-two, Forest of Death II

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twenty-two, Forest of Death II

twenty-two, Forest of Death II

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JUST LIKE THE AKIMICHI HAD OFFERED HIS TEAMMATES, he had cooked the fish caught by the brunette. As it turned out, he truly was a master chef in the making, carefully preparing the meal as a professional cook would. With the kunai in hand, he worked delicately, emerald eyes fixated on the meal before him. The meal he had prepared ended up replenishing his teammates and his own energy fully. After their rest, they were ready to resume their route.

Sen made the decision that the best way to make their way to the tower would be high above to avoid being ambushed by other teams. At a constant pace, they jumped from one tree branch to the next, steps careful and soft to not make unnecessary noise or crack a branch. Their steps had to be without mistake. Tensions were running high, muscles taut as a bow.

When Izumi landed on a tree branch, suddenly a stinging sensation began to bubble up in her right knee. The pain thumped against her knee caps, allowing for a hiss to rush past her lips. Tears began to decorate her lower lash line but she blinked them away, hoping for the sensation to subdue at any moment. While her pain tolerance had become higher, so had the pain she was feeling. As Izumi landed on another branch, ready to push herself off again, she felt the stinging sensation intensify in her right knee. Yet again a hiss rushed past her lips, her pace interrupted. When she landed on the next branch, she was barely able to keep her stability. The brunette quickly fell behind her teammates.

"Izumi," Sen was worried for her friend, brows furrowed as she tried to figure out what was wrong. "Are you okay?"

She and Chihiro both slowed down to match their friend's pace, making sure the girl wouldn't topple over at any moment.

"Do you need more rest?" Chihiro moved closer to her, ready to stabilize her if needed.

"It's my knees." admitted Izumi, cheeks taking on a shade of red. The inconvenience of it embarrassed her deeply.

On the other hand, she was glad to have told them as they immediately showed understanding of her situation.

"Can you make it to the tower?"

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