42 ━ The Aftermath

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forty-two, The Aftermath

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forty-two, The Aftermath

forty-two, The Aftermath

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EVERY OTHER DAY, Izumi was not awoken by a nurse knocking at her door to bring more medication, but instead by loud proclamations of never-ending youth. In the doorway to her room then stood a teen clad in green spandex, wearing a bright grin on his face as he entered with all livelihood anyone could possess.

Seeing Gai so early during some mornings cheered the brunette up every time he came by.

"If the hospital allows visitors by the time I begin my morning training, I cannot not share my youthfulness with you lovely flower." Gai had once told her enthusiastically, practically smothering her with all his joy. When he entered the room, he was practically skipping in.

More than anything, his visits were sporadic and surprising. Izumi never really knew when she could expect Gai to come in next to share his positive energy. What she did know however was that he boosted her recovery significantly. His daily delight left her mourning her own optimism, the same one she was working on slowly digging out of its metaphorical grave in her heart. Being optimistic, it was something she dearly missed. Especially during the days when the pain became overwhelming and barely bearable, her previous unalterable optimism was something that had usually guided her through it.

She was no pessimist, so Izumi knew. For her, the glass was half full and not half empty. Her negative thinking was something she couldn't stand anymore, the self-loathing in which she drowned was something she could no longer endure.

Izumi was a fighter as much as she was a lover. She was determined to find back to herself, even if it took time, she would.

The flowers that now stood at her bedside certainly helped with her newfound resolve.

"Thank you, Gai." Izumi said, carefully watching the teen in green spandex from the peripheral of her vision.

While he had placed down the flowers in the empty vase placed on the desk beside her bed, the brunette turned her head toward him, a small smile playing on her lips as she watched his moves.

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