12 ━ At Home

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twelve, At Home

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twelve, At Home

twelve, At Home

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EVER SINCE HATAKE SAKUMO HAD LEFT THE WORLD TWO MONTHS AGO, the son he had left behind had grown used to leaning on the shoulder of his dark-brown-haired friend and her family. They had become his safe place, the blanket of comfort on his shoulders. He couldn't help but snuggle into the blanket, pulling it closer.

Over time, he had not only grown closer to Izumi, but also to her parents Miho and Fuji. They treated him like he was family. It made his heart beat rapidly in his chest and his body feel warm at the love they provided him.

A few times Kakashi had made dinner for the family, the people who took him in, just so he could show his appreciation. Miho had waved him off several times, telling him how she could cook on her own, how he shouldn't worry about that. The silver-haired had insisted on helping, pushing the woman to allow him to help her until she finally relented, making space for him by her side.

"Okay, hun, today we'll make some miso again. I'll teach you the most efficient way to make it, what do you say?" With her cerulean eyes crinkling, she smiled down at him affectionately, resisting the urge to ruffle his hair.

"Show me." He demanded, focusing on the cutting board she laid out in front of him.

Miho showed the silver-haired all she knew, giving him tips here and there, so he not only would be safe while cooking, but could also do it efficiently. As she learned during the numerous times she showed him various recipes, Kakashi was a fast learner, picking up steps and reflecting on them later to use them for other recipes. The blond had always been aware of the fact that the boy was a prodigy, but even at home, the fact presented itself.

"Be mindful to not cut your fingers. We wouldn't want you to be hurt, hun, m'kay?" Miho gave him a pointed look. "If you tuck your fingers in like this, you can't accidentally chop them off." She showed him how too, cutting up vegetables without hurting herself once. Then, she scooted the board over to him, giving Kakashi some vegetables to cut up. "Now, you try."

Carefully, he repeated what the woman had just shown him. A few times, he allowed his gaze to flicker over to hers, taking in the expression on her face. She looked proudly at him, a sentimental smile playing on her lips. Once he had finished, without hurting himself once, the woman clapped her hands in delight.

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