48 ━ The Happiest Kunoichi

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forty-eight, The Happiest Kunoichi

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forty-eight, The Happiest Kunoichi


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HATAKE KAKASHI WAS A WALKING ENIGMA, even for Izumi. Despite having known the silver-haired for what felt like ages, she thought that he was unable to figure out, the facade he wore today too obscuring for her liking.

According to her friends, however, that wasn't the case.

"Kakashi has been staring at you the whole night, Izumi. And don't deny it, you two do have feelings for each other." Kurenai pointed out.

The restaurant in which the group of Chuunin and Jonin met up in was packed. Deciding to meet up with all the surviving members of their year had been a, more or less, good idea. What it quickly had led to, however, was a round of matchmaking surrounding the single brunette.

"What if you are wrong, Kurenai? Maybe we are meant to be just friends."

Sen let out an annoyed groan at that. "Sometimes I wonder if you really are stupid, Izumi."

Izumi turned towards her old teammate, a shocked expression blooming on her face.

"Every time he looks at you, he looks like a lovesick puppy, it makes me sick." The Nara fake puked, pointing her finger towards her open mouth in mock. "But no, he just can't man-up and ask you out finally. What a bore."

"Sen's right, Izumi." The brunette turned to Kurenai now. "He looks at you like you hung the moon and stars, it's cute, to say the least. I never thought that I would get to see Hatake Kakashi totally whipped. So just ask him."

Izumi looked away from both of her friends and instead turned to wistfully stare at the person in question, who was seated on the other side of the room. Her eyelids dropped a little lower while a smile tugged at her lips. Kakashi looks so pretty tonight, as always-

Sen harshly forced her hands down onto Izumi's shoulder before she turned the younger girl to face her. "Now listen up here. One of you has to man up, and lovesick dog-boy isn't going to do that anytime soon, so you have to. What's the worst he can say? No?" She scoffed, looking at the Hatake briefly, only to then roll her eyes before facing Izumi again, who sweatdropped now. "If he were to say no to you, he would be even more stupid than he already is."

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