Chapter 4

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I dried my hands on the towel and left the washroom, heading straight to my bedroom. The room was dark considering it was already very late into the night. I kept the lights off and headed straight to my bed, getting under the covers and wrapping myself warmly. I shut my eyes attempting to sleep but failed miserably from all the thinking my brain refused to stop.

I eventually sat up and looked out the window getting lost in the beauty of the moon tonight. It was already past midnight, but the moonlit sky was shining through the window, slightly illuminating the room. I let my thoughts overtake me once again causing my gaze to drift off to the phone that was lying beside me.

Our break had started already and this was everything I've been doing. Staring at the phone in hopes of receiving a text from him, and if I get lucky, two in one day. Though I've been alone for quite some time, for some reason I feel a lot lonelier now.

I hugged my knees and leaned my head forward. How come I'm so attached already? Has it been that long since I've associated myself with someone?

With a heavy sigh, I shook the thoughts off and laid back down, covering myself with the blanket. My eyes slowly started drooping when the sound of my phone ringing startled me awake. I grabbed the phone and shot up from the bed when a familiar name popped up. Without hesitation I pressed answer.


"Leo." He started

"Why are you calling so late at night?" I glanced at the clock

"Oh is it late there? I'm sorry I should've checked the time before I decided to call. Then I'll catch you later at a-"

"No it's okay. We haven't talked in a long time." I mumbled

My heart slightly ached as I spoke the words. I knew I had no right to demand anything from him. But I've waited day and night to hear from him.

"Yeah I'm sorry I got busy with my family." He apologized

"That's fine, I know. I was just getting pretty lonely here." I mumbled the last part

"Weren't you planning on seeing your friend?" San asked softly

"Plans were canceled." I sighed feeling my heart sink a bit lower

"How come?" He asked

I mumbled while shrugging, slightly forgetting that he wouldn't be able to see. The call ended up going silent for a few seconds as regret slowly poured over me. I shouldn't have complained. I sighed audibly.

"...Well I actually missed you." He blurted. Rendering me speechless, the line went quiet again as I processed his words, "You know, I meant like talking and hanging out with you." he cleared his throat

Just hearing those words from him caused this fluttery feeling to spread throughout my stomach. Was I also allowed to blurt out my thoughts?

"I do too... talking and hanging out with you."

He chuckled a bit before continuing, "you still haven't told me what you've been up to."

"You haven't either." I argued with a breathy chuckle

"Alright I guess I'll go first. I went sightseeing and visited some popular areas around here. That's basically it. Now tell me what you did."

"I've been spending mornings at that new cafe."

"How lucky of them." He sighed

"Why is that?"

"You're paying them everyday." He joked. I laughed along with him. I just couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, and I could practically feel him doing the same. Maybe his call was worth waiting for. "If you don't go now I'm going to make you stay up the whole night again." He spoke with a warm tone

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