Chapter 17

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As expected I was kept wide awake all night. I couldn't shut my eyes without seeing images of the two together. I laid in bed in the darkness of the room spacing out with different thoughts crossing my mind. Is this me overthinking everything?

I slightly felt regretful over the words I had spoken. Why does it feel as if I'm the one in the wrong? He lied to me, he did this on purpose.

I sighed, tossing and turning in bed desperately trying to fall asleep. But it was to no avail as seconds later the sudden vibration of my phone caught my attention, pulling me out of my thoughts. I hesitated to look at the message sent. I turned away to face the other side of the bed, away from the phone. But what if its San? What if he's decided to end things?

I looked back at it in silence while my heart raced. It was only a few seconds before I grabbed it from the nightstand seeing San's name indeed.

-you awake?

I stared back at the text blankly. Well now he knows I am. He started typing again making me pause.

-Leo answer me I know you're seeing this
-I'm really worried

-what do you want

-do you want to talk right now?
-actually I'm outside your house if you want to
-if you don't want to talk I'll leave right away

With furrowed brows I peeked out through my window blinds. Our eyes instantly met as he was staring right at the window. I shut the blinds right away feeling taken aback and sat there in silence. He's really here.

Quietly I tip-toed out to the living room, not wanting to wake a sleeping Yunho. I peeked at him through the window one last time contemplating my next move. I should hear a proper explanation from him first, shouldn't I?

I took a deep breath before unlocking the door. I opened it just a teensy bit and stepped out, shutting it behind me. San seemed surprised to say the least. I guess he didn't expect to see me so soon after what happened. But I thought it was important to figure things out. Dragging it out was not the right answer.

"Hey." He awkwardly walked up to me with worry-filled eyes

"What is it?" I crossed my arm trying my best to put on a tough stance as if nothing affected me

"I'm not going to let this go on without telling you everything that happened, down to the slightest details. So please hear what I have to say." he pleaded

"What more is there to say." I scoffed

"Mia was there as Wooyoung's buddy, not mine. Leo I promise you, it was nothing of that sort. After we got to the restaurant, Wooyoung suddenly told me he had to leave in a hurry. So it was just Mia and I left there. I didn't take her there, I didn't ask her to come with me." He spoke in a desperate manner, "I stayed behind only to finish the rest of my dinner, then go home right away. That's it, I promise you Leo."

"I don't care about any of that anymore. That's not what this is about. You refused to see me for weeks just to end up there with someone else." I looked away

"No I wasn't avoiding you Leo, saying that I refused to see you is a bit too much. More than anything I'd like to drop everything I have just to spend more of my time with you. But that's exactly why I couldn't. How could I focus on anything other than you when you're around." His brows were furrowed in worry

I pretended as if his words didn't faze me by looking away, but really, they did.

He continued, "and I wasn't planning on seeing anyone in my case. But Wooyoung, he had called almost every day asking me to just help him with the subject. I decided that just for today I'd help him."

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