Chapter 29

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He picked his head up and looked at his surroundings, dazed and confused. His eyes landed on the couch he had been lying on. He hummed as he realized he must've accidentally fallen asleep here. The tv still playing in the background, he stood up and stretched his arms up, wincing the moment he moved his neck. He moved his stiff neck around, swearing not to fall asleep on the couch ever again.

San headed to the kitchen for breakfast, when he spotted his phone lying on the countertop. He groaned the moment he saw the amount of missed calls on there. Evelyn had told him to keep an eye on his phone, for work-related reasons. He picked it up and tried dialing the number once again. Just seconds after ringing, the person on the other side picked up. He set the cereal down and immediately focused on the call.

"Yes hello?" He cleared my throat

"Hello, am I speaking to Mr. San?" An unfamiliar voice had asked

"Yes that would be me."

"Good I'll get straight to the point then. I'm assuming you know what this call is about?" The man questioned

"I'm afraid not, I was only told to expect one." San replied

"Then I'll explain, no worries. Mr. San after your exceptional work lately involving the collaboration, you've made yourself quite the name."

"Oh, thank you." San answered with furrowed brows

"Now I'm sure you're aware that the company has been working on a branch abroad that has still yet to open. A list of outstanding employees have been recommended to us for that sake. We need intelligent, hard-working employees who are capable of perfecting their own work for this branch to turn out successful, I'm sure you know. And of course they'll be compensated for their housing bill, their healthcare, even their monthly income will greatly increase."

"Wait, I apologize for interrupting, are you telling me that my name was on that list?" San put forward

"You have been recommended to us for this project, yes." The man answered

"Sorry this is too sudden-"

"Yes yes of course, I'm not asking for you to make your decision now. Our employees will start to move in about three months, you have a month or so to make a decision, so take all the time you need."

"No that's not what I mean. I simply can't accept the offer, thank you though, but I'd prefer to stay here." San sighed

"That's very unfortunate then. But if you do change your mind, you have until then to apply."

"Alright, thank you very much."

"No worries, that's all, keep up the good work."

The call had ended with a heavy sigh from San. He would refuse it again without a second thought. He had just begun to make a life for himself here, there was no way he'd give all of that up.


"Then I would like you to come in for an in-person interview. We will discuss the rest then. I will be sending the rest of the information to you. Thank you for your time and congratulations."

"Thank you as well." I ended the call then

I slowly placed the phone down while processing what happened. I finally let out a squeal as I jumped up and down in excitement.

I had slowly been losing hope in finding a job in my hometown. I made a promise to myself a few years ago to stay and grow old here, to keep the memories of this house alive, and hold onto the ones I cherish most. I was determined to spend my whole life in this house.

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