Chapter 12

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"What's wrong?" I asked

"so the thing is, there's been a mistake so currently there's only one bedroom." He sighed, "and they won't let me switch rooms- said it's too late to call staff in for a room change so we're stuck with this one."

"Oh, I see." I nodded

"I'm sorry." He sighed yet again

"It's fine, Why do you look so down?" I chuckled

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure." I smiled

"I'll take the couch then. You rest up on the bed."

He walked over to the small couch and attempted to lay down. His legs dangled down on the end as a result of it's size.

"San you'll never be able to sleep like that." I chuckled

"Don't worry about me just get ready to sleep it's really late." He rested his eyes

"Don't you wanna eat our food first?" I held up the bag in my hand

"Oh yeah." He sat up

I joined him on the couch, pulling the small table towards us and laid out the food in front of us before digging in.

"Hey can you open this packet for me? I can't get it to open."

He took it from my hands and pulled on it but the packet simply refused to open. He tried again putting his all into it when it suddenly burst open, flying everywhere, and mostly on me.

I shot up from my seat while holding my hands up. San's eyes widened as he scanned the mess he made. I glanced down at my clothes that were now covered with the sauce.

"I am so so-"

"It's fine." I sighed, "I'll just wash it for tomorrow. I'm gonna be changing into my pjs soon anyway."

"Here let me help." He grabbed a tissue and reached over to me but paused last second realizing it was a bad idea

"I'll just-" I took the tissue and wiped the sauce off myself


I searched through the folded clothes over and over again while holding my tears back. Where is it!? I finally gave up and sat back, leaning on the wall with a groan. I rested my eyes and took deep breaths in and out to calm myself.

I got on my feet once more and stared at the door ahead of me. Maybe he has an extra set of clothes?....No, I can't just ask him for his clothes!

I paced around the small bathroom thinking of what to do next. My gaze drifted to the door again contemplating whether to go with it or not. This really is my only choice. With a defeated sigh I unlocked the door and opened it just a bit, peeking out.

"Hey San?"

"Yeah?" He glanced my way 

"By any chance, do you have an extra set of clothes?" I asked

"I'm not sure, why?" He raised both brows

"Actually... so turns out I left the pajama pants at home. I have nothing to change into." I hid my face from the embarrassment I felt

"Oh uh, I'll check." He replied

"Alright, thank you." I shut the door again cursing for making a fool out of myself

I sat next to my bag that laid on the bathroom floor. I searched one more time hoping that a miracle would occur and it'd pop up in front of me.

"Leo?" He knocked on the door, "I don't have a set but I do have an extra shirt. I-It's long enough to cover you well." He spoke awkwardly

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