Chapter 9

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"Finish your coffee and let's get out of here." He pointed to the cup I'd been holding to warm my hands

"It's way too cold out to be walking around." I argued

I glanced at the window beside me. The weather around here gets pretty crazy at this time. It was snowing heavily these past couple days, coloring the whole neighborhood in white. Yunho had forced me out of bed early on a weekend. Despite all my whining I dressed myself warmly covering myself with a coat, a scarf, and boots.

"All of that," he pointed to my clothes, "and you're still complaining?" He raised his brows

I took a peek at what he was wearing, only now realizing how thin his clothes were.

"You're crazy!" My eyes widened

"I'm as sane as any other person around here, you're the unusual one." He scoffed

"I swear to god if you come crying to me when you catch a cold-"

"I won't, so finish your food now. We're gonna be late! It's my last day here and I want to make the most of it." He whined

The half eaten piece of pie stared back at me. I shoved the rest down my mouth, as per Yunho's wish.

"Can't even enjoy breakfast now." I muttered under my breath

"I heard that." He responds

"You're the worst."

"You'll regret saying that in a minute, if you would just follow me out." He rolled his eyes

"Alright, I'll trust you." I sighed standing up

He rushed out and got into his car, ushering me to get in as well. I sat in the passenger seat cluelessly as we started our small trip.

"This place isn't so new, but you've never been there. It's a little far away from town, up the mountains." He hinted

"Are we gonna do some nature-appreciation thing?" I asked

"Oh close, very close. It has something to do with nature."

"Are we gonna visit a pretty natural attraction?" I asked once more

"Kind of, but we're gonna be doing more don't worry. I've got everything ready in the trunk."

I glanced back wondering what on earth could he have possibly brought along. But like I said, I trusted him and his judgement for nice outing trips.

Just then I received a call from none other than San himself. I deliberated over whether I should pick up or leave it for now.

"Just answer. He'll keep calling if you don't." Yunho sighed while shaking his head

I nodded and picked it up, placing it against my ears, "hey."

"Leo, hello, how are you doing on this fine day?" He spoke weirdly

"I'm doing good," I chuckled, "and you?"

"Oh just great, are you home?" He asked

"No actually I'm out right now." I replied

"Where are you?"

"Honestly, I don't know." I sighed

"...What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean Yunho is taking me somewhere." I chuckled

"Oh with Yunho. I guess you're going out somewhere again. I won't bother you then, enjoy the rest of your day." He ended the call

"Hello?" I furrowed my brows and looked at the screen realizing he really did hang up. What was that? I went to call him again when Yunho grabbed my hand.

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