Chapter 5

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Back to class it was, the break was already over. I peeked into the class, keeping an eye out for San. Considering we hadn't talked afterwards, I don't expect him to be looking for me like usual.

While standing behind the door, I scanned my classmates one by one in search for his face to make sure I wouldn't bump into him. When I didn't find him, I simply scoffed at myself realizing how weird I must look to everyone who had walked by. It would've been awkward if he were to see me in this state.

"What are you doing?" a voice called out behind me

I slightly jumped, turning around. My eyes widened when they landed on a confused but amused San.

His backpack was slung over one of his shoulders with one hand holding the strap. The other hand reached out to me making me tense up in place. But it went over my head and onto the door, pushing it open.

"You'll get a tardy if you keep staying out here." He walked past me

His simple word's brought me to shame of my behavior. We're adults, old enough to settle things in a mature way.

I muttered a quiet yes before I made my way in. I walked up to my seat only to halt abruptly when I found it taken by none other than him. What was he up to now?

I scanned around for another seat elsewhere but considering I lingered outside for quite a while, they had all been occupied already. I cleared my throat pretending not to have noticed then made my way two chairs down from him. I could feel San's gaze linger on me from across the table.

I glanced at him yet he faced the other away. So, what is it now? Was he mad, annoyed, or what? I shook my head with a sigh, now's really not the time to be thinking about this. Besides, he'll decide on what he wants to do.

Halfway through the class, San placed his head on the table facing my way. Considering I had been subconsciously watching him from the corner of my eyes, my head immediately turned towards him. My heart leapt in place when I found him staring directly at me. I hadn't expected him to be so upfront about his glances towards me. And he held it, he kept the eye contact. As for me, it was hard to look elsewhere anyway.

Suddenly he lifted his head up and pulled out the chair next to him before moving to it. He proceeded to copy his previous actions by placing his head back on the table then looking at me.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" He suddenly whispered through a frown

I placed my arms on the table before resting my head onto them, mimicking his action.

"Weren't you the one doing that?" I whispered back

"I just thought it'd be best to wait for you to talk first. But you haven't said anything these past couple days." He replied

"I didn't want to in case you were upset at me."

"And here I was thinking the same exact thing." He sighed

His warm gaze never left mine, even through our silence. I ended up breaking it for a second before bringing it back.

"I have no right over you, it wouldn't be right for me to be upset at you over that."

"You have every right over me, and I promise not to put you in a tough spot like that again." He gently raised his brows

My heart had skipped a beat at his words. A slight grin broke out on my face, making me shy away.

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