Chapter 36

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I smoothed my dress while looking at myself in the mirror, taking a deep breath in before walking out of the room. I had woken up later than usual today, practically jumping out of bed when I saw the time. San was nowhere to be seen so I had assumed he was keeping our guests busy till I woke up, but I was surprised to see that no one was there yet, not even San himself.

My head turned towards the door when I heard the sound of the lock click. San pushed the door open and walked in with bags in his hand before shutting it behind him.

"Hey, you're up."

"Yeah, what's this?" I pointed to the bags

"I just thought I should get sweets or something for my parents and yours. I also got this for you."

"What is it?"

He pulled out a box that had a familiar print on it. I slightly gasped when I recognized it. It was the bakery we had gone to early on when we first met.

"I assume you didn't have anything for breakfast yet." He placed it down on the coffee table

"Did you eat yet?" I asked

"Yeah, sorry I ate without you. You looked worn out so I wanted to let you rest a bit longer." He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head

"That's fine, let me help you with these."

I reached for the bags but San pulled them back, "I got it, just sit down and eat." He smiled

"Thank you San." I grinned

I sat with the grin that wouldn't leave my face, excitedly opening the donut box. I glanced over to San who was arranging the items he had bought in the kitchen. The corner of my lips seemed to widen as I watched him, my husband. He turned in that moment, catching me red-handed. I quickly turned back to my cake, stuffing a piece in my mouth.

"Are you enjoying it?" He vaguely asked

"The cake?" I questioned

He began to laugh, "what else?"

"Nothing," my face seemed to heat up in embarrassment, "yes I really like it."

"Yeah? I'll bring it more often then."

"You don't have to." I mumbled to myself

"Oh yeah, my mom gave me a call while I was on my way here. She asked if it would be alright for them to come visit another day?" he took a seat next to me, stretching out his hand behind me before wrapping it around my shoulder

"Another day?" I repeated in confusion

"Yeah, unless you want to see your parents today?" He raised a brow while tilting his head

"I don't mind no." I nodded keeping my eyes straight ahead

He went quiet for a few seconds before speaking again, "You changed your mind now that I'm sitting near you?" He smirked teasingly

"What are you talking about?" I looked down feeling my face redden

"Alright," he nodded, "I'll pretend I didn't notice your eyes all over me back there."

"They were not!" I slightly raised my voice in embarrassment

His smile widened before he began to chuckle. He brought his other arm up and pulled me in closer to him, bringing his head into the crook of my neck. I felt him take a deep breath against my neck. I tilted my head, taking a peek at him, finding his eyes closed and the corner of his lips curved upwards in a satisfied smile.

"I'm so happy right now." He chuckled

A wide grin broke out on my face. I wonder if he knows how blessed I feel with his presence. We stayed still like that for a few minutes without saying anything. I had begun to wonder if he fell asleep.

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