Aimer and Arlen Caisys

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Aimer is Bold
Arlen is Italics
Both is underlined

Name: "who are you and how did you find us?" The black haired elf growled while holding the white haired elf protectively. "It's ok, it's just a human just wondered here."

(Aimer and Arlen)

Nicknames: "go away."
(Ai for Aimer and Len for Arlen)

Age: they look like they're 18 but they lived longer.

Height: "We're both 5'3."

Birthday: March 31

Zodiac: Aries

Sexuality: both are closeted Homosexual.

Species: elves

Ethics: appears to be European but is unknown

Looks: the picture on top

Wears glasses or no?: Arlen wears reading glasses Aimer doesn't.

Personality: Aimer is more mature and very snappy than his younger twin brother and has a quite of a temper when angered. He usually dislikes trespassers who find their makeshift home and will try driving them out or just completely ignore them if they won't leave. Yet, despite his cold and anger demeanor Aimer is really caring and sweet towards his brother and his crush. He does have some trust issues due to a incident a year ago but he refuses to talk about it and will most of the time ignore you. He's very crafty and quite bold when he wants to be and can be a very, very huge brat and tease. He prioritizes his brother's well being and happiness before his own and is quick to denies if he does have a crush on your character. Arlen on the other hand is very honest and innocent. He does tend to forgive and welcome trespassers whenever the brothers see one. Arlen gets very clingy and excitable around his brother or crush. Between the two boys he is the most likely one to creak a joke or tell a funny story to lighten the mood. Arlen is the more quiet of the boys and has a calming aura. But he does know when he doesn't like a few things and if people are bugging him and will tell them to stop nicely the first few times then will resort to yelling, but not violence or usually telling Aimer and letting him handle the situation. But he's not very snappy compared to his older brother.

Family: none, both of their parents died a long time ago in a accident in their home village. They just have each other.

Pets: As of now with their situation,Aimer refuses to let Arlen get any since it will be another mouth to feed. But both do want either a cat or a dog.

Occupation: none, Aimer steals whatever he can get his hands on to support himself and his brother.

Outfits: they wear simple button up shirts and pants. Arlen prefers light colors and Aimer prefers black but won't mind darker colors, like browns or dark grey.

Likes: Aimer: Seeing Arlen happy, trickery, mischief making, going into the villages and window shopping, reading, practicing his dark magic and sweets but usually denies it.

Arlen: seeing Aimer happy, making new friends, flower crowns, playing with animals or his brother, going into villages, listening to his brother read and practicing his light magic.

Dislikes: Aimer: seeing Arlen sad and or injured, getting caught when stealing stuff, rainy days, trespassers and a lot of noises.

Arlen: Seeing Aimer sad or injured, not making any friends, bitter foods, hot days and mean people.

Hobbies: Aimer mostly reads and practice his dark magic when not stealing. Arlen mostly listens to his brother reading and exploring the forest they resided. Aimer does try to get board games if he steals enough money after getting food or the essentials.

Powers: Aimer has Dark magic and Arlen has Light and healing magic.

Weapons: both have daggers for self defense. Only Aimer has used it for defense, Arlen hasn't since he is slightly scared to hurt anyone.

Backstory: The twins were once born with loving parents in a small village of elves until they were killed in a human raid and Aimer took his little brother and ran to the forest for safety until they were found and placed in a orphanage since they were now orphaned. Aimer hated it and most of the children bullied Arlen for being so soft for a boy. So after the first night they spent there. Aimer and Arlen ran away back to the forest. They actually struggled living since they didn't have any money so Aimer took it upon himself to make money by stealing. Not wanting to Arlen do the same and forcing the his little brother to stay in the forest while he goes to the towns to steal for them to survive. They are happy because they have each other and never want to be separated. A year ago, Aimer was arranged to meet a noble to talk about him and Arlen being adopted by her but it was a hoax and he was beaten up when he tried to run away after he stole a piece of jewelry from her. After that he never trusted nobles again

Flaws: Aimer is too cold hearted and has trust issues, he's also very quick to anger. Arlen is so naive, trusting and quick to forgive.

Scars: Aimer is the only one that has scars from when he got caught from stealing.

Position: Aimer is a power bottom and Arlen is a bottom

*Turn ons: both are virgins but Aimer won't submit so easily. He'll put up a good fight for dominance and is a huge brat.

*Turn offs: Too much pain, hurting themselves or their lovers, getting interrupted, their lovers leaving abruptly and anything weird or gross

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