Alphonse Moonstone

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Name: "oh hi! I'm Alphonse Moonstone but my older brother Maxwell calls me Al for short."

Age: "I'm 19, why do you ask?"

(16-29 depends on the rp)

Gender: he looked at you confused. "Can you not tell?"

Sexuality: he's bisexual

Height: "I think I'm 5'2."

Birthday: "December 25"

Zodiac: "I believe I'm a Capricorn."

Ethics: he's American.

Species: "um, my dad said I can't tell anyone what I am."

(He's a werewolf also an omega.)

Personality: Alphonse usually is a cheerful childish guy. According to his brother whenever somebody is upset or sad Al is always the one to lighten the mood by making jokes or doing something silly. Though he's a bit clingy towards his brother or anyone he is close to, his father always expect him to be strong and don't show any signs of weakness. Which he does sometimes but he doesn't want to disappoint his dad. He's also very helpful towards others and kind. Though he can be an optimistic, naive and sensitive at times plus he kind of has an attention span of a kid when not hunting. Both him and his brother are very smart.

Family: Ethan moonstone is his father who is very strict with his sons and expects the best of them. But he is also the current pack leader of the moonstone pack. His mother's name is Grace, she's a kind women who honestly doesn't like how strict her husband is with the boys. She occasionally takes them somewhere for fun whenever they get the chance to. Finally there's Maxwell Moonstone, he's a bit blunt but very caring and friendly once you get to know him. He's the next leader once their dad steps down.

Pets: "I got a baby Chameleon named Felix."

Hobbies: "I mostly read but I do go on walks in the forest. Oh! And I love to cook whenever I'm allowed in the kitchen... dad says I make a mess after I cook, looking at the stars at night. And I like spending time with my brother and friends."

Likes: "running in my wolf form, play fighting, walking around the forest, playing with the animals, penguins and candy."

Dislikes: "whenever my dad pushes me away from spending time with Max, someone I care about is upset, coffee, getting yelled at,"

Fears: "being forgotten and thunderstorms."

Backstory: not much is really known about the Moonstone pack, they said that the group went extinct a long time ago. But somehow Ethan survives and began making the pack bigger. After a few years they had Maxwell first and he was happy that he was an alpha once they found out. Once they had Alphonse, he wasn't too excited that he was an omega. The man began not paying attention to him and prepared max for becoming the next leader. Once he gotten so furious with Alphonse's clinginess he slapped him really hard and kicked him out. It made him and Max cry, He's was only six at the time and grace and him had an argument about it. He was forced to stay in the forest for a month and he did managed to fend for himself. Nowadays he tries his best to help his brother and family. Though Ethan had thoughts about kicking Alphonse out of the pack. Also some had said that Alphonse hides behind his brother's shadow due to his dad paying attention to him.

Occupation: "I work at a restaurant part time."

Flaws: his clinginess, naivety, losing his attention and letting his emotions get the better of him.

Position: Alphonse is a bottom.

*Turn ons: he doesn't know plus he's a virgin.

*Turn off: again he doesn't know.

Powers: enhanced senses to an extent and being able to shift into his wolf form.

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