Orpheus Tsukishiro

446 7 116

Name: "oh hello, I am surprised that you haven't heard of me. My name is... Orpheus. It's nice to meet you."

Last name: "my last name is Tsukishiro. Why do you ask?"

Sexuality: "don't you think that's a bit too personal to ask?"

(He's bisexual)

Birthday: "June 21"

Zodiac: "Gemini."

Age: "I'm 18 years old."

(18-25 depending on the rp)

Height: "I'm 5'6 if I remember correctly."

Species:  "I'm human!"

(He's a half angel  he has more human blood then angel's but he won't tell you this unless he trusts you)

Personality: "I'm really shy around new people I meet, but I'm really kind and caring."

(Orpheus is a kind hearted male who acts like a gentleman. He's very caring about his friends and is kind of a hopeless romantic at times. Though he can act very childish and playful but he's very clever and intelligent.)

Wears glasses or no?: nope.

Looks: "I'm so sorry I didn't know you were blind."

(Look on top)

Occupation: he's still in school in some rps but he has a side job of working at the bakery Lá Soleil. 

Pets: a baby tortoise named terra and  he also has a little brown kitten named Brownie.

Hobbies: he cooks, reads fantasy novels, hanging out with his dad or friends. And playing his harp plus learning how to play the violin and piano from a childhood friend of his.

Likes: "I like animals, reading,helping others, art and playing my harp or other instruments I'm learning."

(He also likes music, kids, food, being with his family and friends)

Dislikes: "I-I don't like snakes, coffee and hurting others..."

(If you look up his name [heres a hint he's based on a myth from Greek Mythology ] you'll find out why he doesn't like snakes.)

Backstory: "well... my mom and I fell from heaven when I was born cause she fell in love with my dad. When I was 4 my mom died to a snake bite when we were on a vacation."

(He lives with his dad until he turned 18, he dreamed of becoming a famous musician so he practice playing his harp or other instruments in school and he works at a bakery  where he plays music and wait tables. Also he doesn't know this but the snake who bitten his mother was a demon in disguise. Since he has more human blood, Orpheus couldn't sense the demon.)

Ethics: "I think my mom was Japanese  and my dad is American."


Fears: "to be honest I do have a small fear of snakes..."

(He is also scared of losing a loved one)

Flaws: "um..."

(He's a bit  naive in some situations  and he'll do anything for his loved ones or lover)

Position: "I-I-I beg your pardon?" *he blushed brightly*

(He's a switch)

*Turn ons:  He looks away in embarrassment

(Open to Anything cause he's a virgin)

*Turn offs: ".... t-this is getting too personal."

( it's the same as above.)

Family: "m-my dad works abroad. I don't have any siblings... I-I wish I did have one and my mom passed away a long time ago."

(He also has a aunt who checks on him if he's dad not home.)

Powers and other facts: "I can fly a little and I got some healing powers but I do know self defense."

(His wings are a bit  small for an angel but he keeps them hidden if he trust you he will show them. And he can only heal minor injuries he gets wore out if he even tries to heal larger injuries)

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