Cade Arima

902 12 227

Name: "really y/n? We're in the same class!" He says


Last name: "are you sure you're the y/n I know?" He tilts his head slightly.


Pronouns: he/him

Name meanings: Cade means "Round" and Arima means "to have"

Nickname: Cade shrugs a little.

(None for right now but  can  have one if you're really close to him.)

Age: "want to take a guess?" He asks playfully.

(16-27 depends on the rp)

Height: "I think, I'm like 5'10 or something."


Gender: "can you not tell?"

(He's male)

Sexuality:"why are you asking that?"

(He's bisexual)

Ethics: "my dad was British and my  mom is Japanese."

Birthday: "March 16."

Zodiac: "I think I'm a Pisces..."

Likes:"are you really my friend?"

(He likes you possibly?, his family, he loves sweet stuff, music, his friends, most animals but he really likes cats and dogs.)

Glasses or no?: wears glasses most of the time but if he's preforming in a concert he wears contacts.

Dislikes:"oh come on really?" He asks in disbelief.

(He doesn't really like to talk about himself. He doesn't like when girls or boys  throw themselves at him, he hates bullies and he dislikes when others pick on anyone who can't defend themselves.)

Species:"I'm a neko."

(Or he could be a vampire, werewolf  or just a human depends on the rp)

Hobbies: he likes cooking, reading mystery books. He loves playing the piano and guitar.

Pets: he has a pet grey Siberian Husky names Ash that his sisters got him on his birthday.

Powers/abilities: he shrugs.

(He can turn into a cat and has cat like powers. Or as a vampire he has shapeshifting powers, enhanced strength, speed and vision to a extent. )

Weapon:"what?" He asks in confusion.

(None for right now but it depends on the rp)

Backstory:"hey what's that over there?" He says distracting you.

(Well.. all that I will say that his dad had passed away when he and his sisters were young and his mom is disabled and he checks on her a few times since he provides stuff for her and his sisters But! If you want information on his parents go check out my other oc book!)

Family:"I have an older brother who is adopted, two  younger sisters who are twins , my disabled  mom and a aunt on our mom's side who checks on us a few times."


Occupation:"I work at my family's bakery  on the weekends with my sisters if my band doesn't have anything planned."

Looks:"you need serious help..." he muttered

(Look on top but his hair is black and his eyes are a gold color)

Habits: messing with his tail (if he's a neko or werewolf), pushing his glasses up, tapping his foot lightly so he doesn't annoy anyone and pacing back and forth but that one is usually when he's thinking or worried about something or someone.



Personality:" I don't know you tell me. We are friends." He says with a small smile.

(He's A nice guy when you get to know him but if you don't know him. He's really quiet and distance. He helps others to his best abilities and cares a lot for those he loves. Cade is also a bit selfless at times. He can be a bit of a tease and flirt if he is with his crush also he's a bit protective of his lover too.)

*Turn ons:"uh...."

(Grinding and mild roughness)

*Turn offs:"you're acting really really weird." He says and taking a few steps back from you.

(Nothing so far, but other then that he doesn't want to hurt his partner)

Position: *he looks at you confused*

(He is a switch)

Other: "uhhh.... I'm in a band called Allstar and I'm the lead guitarist." He says  scratching  The back of his neck.

(Yup, also there's  something strange about his sisters.... it feels very familiar to you some how.)

Character flaws:"what?" He says not understanding what you mean.

(Sometimes getting into fights or really bad situations and lacks a bit of  self confidence)

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