Alexis Rhodes

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Name: "Hello! I'm Alexis Rhodes, apprentice to doctor Gale Rhodes here at Blossomvale Clinic. How may I help you today?"

Nicknames: Lexi for his lover to call him but another one with his adoptive parents, mentor (his adoptive father)and friends is Alex.

Age: "I'm 19."
(18-25 depends on the rp)

Height: 4'1

Birthday: "um, it's on September 30." He said after checking in his notepad

Zodiac: libra

Sexuality: he turns red and it caused his cat ears and tail to come out of hiding.
(Homosexual his adoptive parents are very accepting people)

Species: Neko, tends to keep his cat ears and tail hidden when in different places for work. Only time they're not hidden is when he's with anyone he trusts or his family

Ethics: British though he doesn't have a accent since Gale and his wife is from a different continent.

Looks: picture above (credit to the Twitter user niru_neko for the artwork I'm using)

Wears glasses or no?: nope.

Personality: Alexis is a big ball of positive energy and is very energetic, though is very forgetful at times and carries a notepad to write down stuff he has to remember so he doesn't completely forgets it. He's does get tired fairly quickly but that doesn't slow him down with his job and taking care of his younger siblings. A very stubborn one and very caring towards others, Alexis does get reckless at times but Glae and Priscilla does keep him in check from time to time. (Mostly it's Glae since Alexis goes with him to his regular clients) He doesn't get that angry with anything, but he is a little sensitive when anyone asks him why he looks different from his siblings. He is a fast learner and very curious, he will do his best to help others in need as a apothecary's apprentice. Alexis does have small panic attacks when in a large group and they pressure him when people see his cat ears and tail or ask why he looks different from his siblings.

Family: he doesn't know his biological parents since he was found in a baby's basket in a merchant's wagon on the way to the small town of Lucky Springs. But his adoptive family is: Glae Rhodes, Priscilla Rhodes and he has two siblings that are younger than him. Diana who is the middle child and the youngest Timothy.

 Diana who is the middle child and the youngest Timothy

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Here is Glae (47)

Here is Priscilla (45)

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Here is Priscilla (45)

Here is Priscilla (45)

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Diana (14)

And Timothy (9)

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And Timothy (9)

Pets: he has a Irish setter named Porter and a Rag doll cat named Lila.

Occupation: apprentice of Apothecary/ doctor.

Likes: baking and cooking, helping others, learning to make medicine, romance books,animals, games, sweets, flower pressing, cuddling and long walks

Dislikes: lairs, being alone, large fancy parties, when he has a panic attack, thunder storms, bitter foods, the heat and annoying people

Habits: writing stuff in his notepad so he doesn't forget, humming, tilting his head when in thought and tapping his foot lightly so it doesn't annoy anyone and it doesn't distract his father or mother working.

Hobbies: baking, cooking, reading, going on long walks, learning to make medicines and making pressed flowers.

Powers: shifting to a full cat form and that's it

Weapons: none

Backstory: Alexis was born in the Avelia Kingdom and is the crowned prince, however one day on his first birthday a army of soldiers stormed into the kingdom, enemies of this kingdom attacked and began killing the royal family and pillaging the castle. The king and queen managed to escape with Alexis in his baby's basket while he was sleeping and slipped it into a wagon of a merchant before it left the kingdom and they were killed. Glae, his adoptive father was on his way home from a appointment with a client of his until the wagon was crashed. He hurried over to see if there was any survivors or anyone injured before hearing Alexis crying. He felt sorry and was worried about the child, seems the merchant was okay but didn't realize Alexis was in the wagon and wasn't the parent. Glae decided that he would take Alexis home with him and talk to Priscilla, they talked once he came home and they decided to become his parents. They didn't know where he came from or who he was. But nevertheless they loved him as their own son until they did have other children. As Alexis grew he took a interest in what his parents did for work and when he was 18, Glae made him his apprentice. He was happy with his family but wondered who was his birth parents and why they left him in a merchant's wagon alone.

Clothes: anything loose or comfortable. He doesn't care about what clothes he wears.

Flaws: Naive, too optimistic, forgetful, easily panicked and sensitive.

Scars/tattoos: none

Fears: thunderstorms, having a panic attack when in a unfamiliar area and being alone.

Position: bottom

Turn ons*: virgin

Turn offs*: too much pain, hurting himself or his lover, getting interrupted, his lover leaving abruptly and anything weird or gross

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