Shiro Daisuke

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Name: "so there are people that haven't heard of me... I'm Daisuke Shiro, or you can call me the little emperor~."

Nickname: Shintaro calls him Dai-Chan but he absolutely hates that nickname. So be warned if you do call him that. He'll throw a huge fit. But a lot of his fans and most other idols call him "the little emperor."

Height: he's 5'2

Birthday: "June 21."

Zodiac: Gemini.

Age: "I'm 19."
(19-24 depends on the rp)

Sexuality: "sorry ladies~ I'm homosexual."

Looks: the picture on top.

Face claim: Sakuma Ritsu from Ensemble Stars!

Species: "sorry that's classified."

(He's a neko but hides his ears and tail. But he will show you if he really trusts you.)

Ethics: half American and Japanese.

Personality: Daisuke usually around his family is very happy-go-lucky and sweet. Bring the eldest of the family he's also very mature since he has to be a good big brother for his little brothers and sisters. However during work and around his fans he's very Flirty  and tends to be a brat. Especially if he's around Shintaro, he's very competitive with the older male. He's very determined to surpass him in the rankings.

Likes: writing songs, spending time with his family, beating  Shintaro at somethings, fruits especially strawberries and animals especially turtles.

Dislikes: losing to Shintaro in competitions, coffee or anything bitter, dogs, not making time for his siblings, and thunder but he keeps it a secret.

Occupation: he's the number two idol in Rising Stars Musics.

Hobbies: stargazing, playing games, playing the piano, cooking and spending time with his siblings.

Pets: he's got a baby box turtle named Pokey.

Family: he has two little brothers and three little  sisters. His mother is a fashion designer and his father works at the recording studio he's hired at.

Backstory: Daisuke and Shintaro knew each other when they attended the same school. Shintaro being a grade higher then he was. Both of them blossomed into the music career and auditioning for a spot at Rising  Stars Music. After their Debuts as idols, Daisuke sadly had to take a Three month hiatus from his idol work. His mother had gotten into a accident on a business trip and he had to take care of his five younger siblings. During his childhood he would often be the one taking care of his siblings due to his parents leaving for work. Now he's determined to take the number one idol position from Shintaro one of these days.

Flaws: he's way too competitive and stubborn. Also he always put his siblings' happiness first then his own needs. Finally  Daisuke is sometimes too ambitious with his goals and that causes him some  trouble.

Fears:  He's afraid to thunderstorms but is too stubborn to admit  it. Also he's scared of letting his siblings down.

Position: Daisuke is a bottom.

*Turn ons: he's a virgin so he doesn't know.

*Turn offs: anything weird, pain and getting caught by his siblings.

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