Albion Alden

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(Ignore the horns on his head)

Name: "did that geezer really sent another budding mage to be my apprentice? That's the fucking 5th one this month. Let's get this over with then, Albion Alden. Second seat of the high wizard council."

Name meanings: Albion means "white land." And Alden means "Old friend."

Age: the man simply laughs and said"that's cute kid."
(Appears to be around his 20s but is way older then you think)

Height: 6'5

Weight: 187 ibs

Gender: "this clueless act is starting to get on my nerves kid. Quit asking stupid questions." He said with a growl

Species: immortal wizard.

Wears glasses or no?: he starts to ignore the dumb questions you're asking him.

Birthday: "Ah shit, when was it again?" He grumbled while trying to remember his birthday.
(October 31.)

Zodiac: Scorpio

Ethics: French

Nationality: French

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Albion is rather a interesting man, he's very aloof towards people and very aggressive at times if the first seat of the council doesn't keep a tight leash on him. While he's like this he will warm up to some but it takes a very long time. Albion is super stubborn and quick to anger if not careful with what you say to him, he's also a major tease and flirt and loves to see people flustered. While not normally the one to praise people, he does show a sweeter side to people after he lowers his walls which is super rare to see. Especially if you're his apprentice, the most you'll get as praise is a teasingly remark (his ego might get a boost in you get flustered from the remark) but if you manage to get to know him. You might be able to get a head pat (or a hair ruffle) and he may get you a treat or buy you something. Don't get too use to it though, he's not the one to spoil his apprentice that much unlike a certain guy on the council. He can be very blunt and slightly mean to others but he means well most of the time. He can be a bit lazy and often resorts to violence, Albion just doesn't trust most people as quick as you think as he is the popular person in the council surprisingly. He has many admirers and supporters plus a lot of people want to be his apprentice but he's kind of a lone wolf kind of guy whose weirdly possessive of his loved ones. Though the first seat of the council has been bugging him to take a apprentice in. Overall he can be a nice guy but you'll have to take it slow with him and don't anger him, then things will get hectic for you. If that happens then I wish you good luck with him.

Likes: dogs, alone time, the occasional drinks of alcohol, seeing people flustered when he teases or flirts with them, practicing his magic, magic duals, fights, parties and apples.

Dislikes: getting lectured by Merlin, getting up early (he's more of a night owl), getting pushed into taking in a apprentice, cats, losing in a fight or magic dual, being the one who has to deal with stupid things or people and seeing his loved ones in danger or hurt.

Hobbies: researching magical stuff, exploring, working out, cooking (he's actually a pretty good cook) and stargazing

Pets: he would love a dog but he may outlive it since he's ages weirdly. But he does have a wolf familiar named Fang.

Outfits: his normal outfit is the one in the picture but he does have a suit for more formal occasions but he doesn't like wearing it as he finds it too stuffy to move if he's in a fight. For sleeping and working out he wears a pair of sweatpants but no shirt.

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