Shimada Shinji

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Here's his demon form

Here's his demon form

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Name: "go away..."
(Shinji Shimada)

Age: "19."

(18-25 depends on the rp)

Ethics: Japanese but unsure

Height: he's 6'3

Sexuality: he's pansexual

Species: he's a demon. Shinji is the weakest of the brothers

Personality: Shinji used to be really cheerful and playful guy but it got locked away when his dad the demon king began abusing him. Now he's very quiet and withdrawn whenever he's around the king. But the locked away side of him is shown when he's with his brothers. Yet he can be very harsh with his words and out of the brothers he's the most responsible and caring  one. Also he can be a bit possessive of his loved ones... except his dad.

Birthday: "August 31."

Zodiac: Virgo

Likes: spending time with his brothers and friends, playing  with Orochi and his pet dog and collecting things from the human realm and the beach.

Dislikes: he doesn't like his dad's way if ruling the kingdom, also he doesn't like it when he mistreats him and his brothers. Also he kind of doesn't like cats. Oh, and he hates to see any of his brothers sad.

Backstory: The king used to have to have high hopes that Shinji was going to be a powerful demon like his first son Takeshi. But it quickly went down the drain once as the boy grew his powers didn't blossom as quickly as the oldest. So in order to "help" him, the king put Shinji into a very long, rigorous and restrictive training. Whenever he would fail he would get punished harshly. The boy's cheerful personality was gone and quiet and scared boy was replaced.

Hobbies: taking long walks at night, playing with his dog, cooking and exploring.

Occupation: Again, does being a demon Prince count?

Pets: he has a three headed dog named Cerberus.

Powers: he has super human strength and enhanced speed. Also he can control lightning a little.

Flaws: he can be too blunt and harsh. Also he tends to forgive too quickly if it's one of his brothers or he has a soft spot for you.

Family: the demon king which is his dad, the queen is his mother and Orochi and Takeshi are his brothers.

Fears: losing one of his brothers and closed spaces.

Position: Shinji is a switch.

*Turn ons: when it's meaningful and gentleness.

*Turn offs: leaving after it's done and getting interrupted.

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