Breaking Boards

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(This will mainly be in Althea's POV)

Today I was moving in with my older brother Rudy. I convinced my mother to let me after the last fight we had about the fact I wanted to train more in karate than be some girly girl. My older brother Rudy Gillespie owns a dojo in Seaford and he agreed to let me stay with him as long as I was a Wassbi Warrior and never set foot in a black dragon dojo unless it was a tournament. I agreed, immediately wanting to get out of my mother's house quickly.

Don't get me wrong I love my mother but she is overly obsessive with making me be some perfect, covered in pink, rule-following, never cursing, makeup-wearing, never gets her hands dirty kind of girl and I'll pass. I love karate, video games, running around town with friends, and not following every rule. Also, I hate the color pink and wearing makeup. Anyway, I was walking into the dojo when I saw Rudy whipping something on the mats. "Rudy, you do know that make certain vacuums to clean mats right?" I questioned.

"THEA!" Rudy exclaimed. My brother and I might have a huge age gap for siblings but we are very close. Rudy tackled me to the ground in a big bear hug. "Nice to see you too, brother," I wheezed. "Rudy you're crushing the poor girl," I heard a girl say. Rudy got off of me and helped me up "Hi, I'm Rudy's younger sister. My name's Althea but call me Thea," I stuck my hand out. "I'm Kim. This is Jack, Jerry, Milton, and that's Eddie," Kim introduced. "Nice to meet you all, also I am pleased to say I'm joining the dojo!" I smiled. "YES! FINALLY! Another girl in the dojo!" Kim cheered.

I felt a little bad that Kim had to deal with 5 boys by herself. I hugged Kim and picked up my bag "Well I'll see you guys at school tomorrow but right now I need to get settled into Rudy's apartment, take a shower, and take nap or something it was a long drive," I said leaving.

The Next Day~~~~

I got to school the next day and got my class schedule and I had Home Ec, English, and History with Kim, Spanish with Jerry, History, and P.E with Jack, and sadly no classes with Eddie or Milton. During the passing period, the 5 of us were standing in the main hall talking about anything when Eddie came running up to us blabbing about Duke Evans. To be honest I disassociated from the world so I had no idea what the conversation was about.
  Jerry walked through the doors still in his PJs "uh, Jerry, you know you're still in your pajamas right?" I asked.  "Oh yeah, I know. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I've got family in town and I have to share my bed with my cousin Pepito," Jerry explained. "Pepito," we all said with malice. 

"So, you're going to class, like that?" Eddy asked. "Pssh, class? No, I'm going to bed," Jerry opened his locker, climbed in, and closed the door. "I can't believe he's really going to bed-" I was cut off. "HEY!" Jerry opened his locker door again "You kids keep it down out there, ok" He glared at us and closed his door again. After school, we were at the dojo, and Kim and I were leaving to volunteer at the hospital as "Candy Stripers". "Hey guys, we're on our way out," Kim said. We got a chorus of "goodbyes," and "Have Funs," but Kim wanted a reason to show off the blain dresses we had to wear. 

"Aren't you gonna say anything about our outfits?" Kim rocked back and forth on her feet. "What outfit?" Eddy asked. "Nope," Milton said. "Didn't notice," Jerry wasn't even looking. "You look the same to me-" Jack stopped for a minute looking at me. "Well Thena looks different but you look the same," He recovers quickly. "We're Candy Stripers, ya freaks," Kim half yells. "We're volunteering at the hospital," I explained knowing they had no idea what a candy striper was.

After explaining what a candy striper does to Milton we left on our bikes to the hospital. This candy striper stuff was more exciting than I thought it would be. Most of the patients I had were little kids and they were the cutest little balls of happiness. I had a few who were elderly and had some of the most interesting stories, I can't say much for Kim though in the last hour she helped the same patient with how to use the bed. After about 2 hours of being there, the guys came rushing in with Jerry groaning, holding his stomach. "Jack, what happened?" I asked concerned for my friend. "Jerry was tired and I pushed him too hard, just so I could break Duke's record," Jack looked a mix between angry at himself and worried for his best friend. 

I pulled Jack into a tight hug, "He'll be alright Jack, it's Jerry he's done worse to himself," I told him pulling away from the hug. "Thanks, Thena, I just feel so bad that I did this," Jack sighed. Turns out they needed to do some x-rays on Jerry's stomach to make sure there wasn't any internal damage. The next thing I see is Jerry being karted away screaming how he's in "So much pain!" which makes Jack feel worse and he had grabbed a hold of me muttering that this was his fault into my stomach since he was sitting down and I was standing beside him combing through his hair to try and calm him down. 

~~Time Skip~~

Kim had been into Jerry's room 9 times in the last hour because he wanted more pudding. I had to take over some of her other patients. Then it also turns out Jerry was lying about being in pain. "Kim? What's going on?" Jerry asked confused. "We got the test results back. It's not good. You need immediate surgery," I faked a worried voice. "What? Wait, why can't I move?" Jerry started jerking around. "We thought it would be best to strap you down, we ran out of the anesthesia," Milton said holding a bone saw. Milton turned on the saw and Jerry started flipping out " WAIT NO STOP! I faked the whole thing!" Jerry yelled. Milton stopped and he and Eddy took off their masks and glasses.

"I don't believe this! I have been worried sick and even bought this stupid talking bear," Jack exclaimed waking the nose of the bear "I wuv you very much" The bear said. "No you don't, he doesn't deserve your wuv!" He exclaimed again. "Guys, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I mean the food, my own bed, Kim's oh-so-refreshing footbaths," Jerry smirked. "That's is so fucking gross Kim," I said. "Hey, I'm not proud of it, ok" She defended. "Let's get out of here," Jack said. "This was low. Even for you Jerry," I stated.

We walked back to the dojo where the other elected me to go talk to the still slightly angry Jack. He was sitting on the bench by Rudy's office with his head resting on his hands staring at the floor. "Jack?" I questioned. Slowly putting my hand on his shoulder to brace myself if he blew up at me by accident. "How could he lie like that to me, to us?" He asked. "I wish I could tell you but, I don't know myself," I signed sitting next to him. "I know he said so he could have his own bed but still to lie that I put him in more pain than I really did," Jack turned to me and put his head in my lap. 

I started combing my fingers through his hair, he let out a sigh. When he was fully I waved the guys over. We convinced him to still break Duke's record and he agreed. "New record, yeah! Any of you punks wanna step up and challenge my record? That's what I thought!" Duke bosted. "Hey, Duke, I'll give it a shot," Jack jumped onto the stage. "I need someone to hold my boards," Jack said. I was about to step up when Jerry ran up and onto the stage. "I'll do it!" He started.

"Jack! I wanna make things right," He paused to grab a-board. "Now let's break this fool's record!" Jerry did his signature "woo" and they started. And in the end, Jack broke 29 boards, Jerry and him made up, Duke stole Kim's bike, and Rudy and Phil got stuck in a hospital bed. 

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