Dojo Day Care

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Jack and I were hanging out at his house after school before we went to the dojo for practice. It was nice being able to just hang out and relax for a bit and not have something crazy happen. We were hanging out in his living room watching t.v. I was leaning against the arm of the couch while my legs were over Jack's lap. Jack was sitting forward with one arm behind his head and the other over my legs subconsciously rubbing his hand up and down my shin.  "Hey  you wanted to head out a little earlier so we can stop and get a snack before practice?" I asked. He looked over at me "Yeah, sure," He said. 

We got up and grabbed our bags and headed out walking towards the mall. We ended up meeting Milton and Eddie outside the mall.  The city was expanding the mall so there were construction workers, equipment, and scaffolding everywhere. Eddie was going on about how a potato chip from way high up could fall down and cut us in half. As we walked into the dojo we saw Jerry and Rudy talking while there was children stuff was all over the dojo. So apparently Jerry told our principle that the dojo was a daycare to get him out being expelled from school. I didn't mind, I liked kids. Principle Buckett walked in with his son a little bit later. 

"Dojo Day Care center. What a concept, you're really gonna love it here, Byron," Buckett said. "Who do I write the 100 dollar check to?" He asked. "That would be Rudy Gillespie," Rudy took the check. "Uh, Milton, Eddie, take Bryon, put him in the ball pit and give him a graham cracker," Rudy said. Milton refused to touch the child, "I'll take him, come on Bryon," I said. Principle Buckett handed me his child and I immediately was taken to la la land with this child. When I looked up I noticed Jerry had at least 10 more kids piled on and around him. 

~Time Skip~

Safe to say the kids would only listen to me and like me the best. "Ok, I have to run and grab something from a shop across the mall I'll be right back," I said and left. I think I was gone for a total of 15 minutes and when I got back I saw Jack climbing the scaffolding going after Byron!? You know what, it's their mess so they can deal with it. I went inside to see Milton and Eddie being tormented by the kids. "Hey!" I yelled gaining the children's attention. "Who wants to hear a story about a daring adventure," I said sitting on the edge of the ball pit. 

The children seemed intrigued and came over to me and sat down in front of me. "A long time ago, when 2 kings and 2 queens, the four being brothers and sisters, ruled the land. Everyone was at peace. The thing about this land was that there weren't only humans but centaurs and Minotaur. Talking badgers and sword wielding mice. The trees could dance and there were dryads that would sing." I began. As I was finishing the story Jack and Jerry walked in with Principle Buckett and the rest of the staff here to collect their kids. "I loved that story miss," I young boy said. 

"Thank you, sir knight. Have a safe trip home," I bowed to the boy acting like the story was still going on. "You are so good with children, do you babysit often?" the mother asked. "I used to when I lived with my mother. I haven't been able to much now that I live here with my older brother," I said. The parents left "All the kids have been picked up," I said. "Not quite. There's still one kid left. Little Maddy Edsall," Eddie said. We started looking for Maddy when we saw her get picked up into the air. "Milton, Eddie?" Jack started. "This one's yours," Jerry finished. 

The next day the boy decided to leave their hand print in a cement slab but they left their hand there too long but I wasn't going to say anything yet. "Our hand prints are gonna be here forever. An immortal testament to our enduring friendship," Rudy stated. "Rudy, it's been 10 minutes. Is it set?" Jack asked. "Has it been that long? We're good," Rudy said. They tried to lift their hand but they wouldn't budge. "What?" Rudy questioned. "Rudy, we're stuck," Jerry said. "All right, nobody panic. I'm sure this has happened before," Rudy chuckled. I took a picture before I said anything. "Yeah you guys could have removed your hand about 10 seconds after placing your hands down," I was holding back laughter. 

~sorry this one is short. The episode was hard to place in Thena~

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