Dueling Dojos

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I walked into the dojo with Kim "Hey, have you guys heard that dumb Black Dragon radio jingle?" Kim asked. "That thing's a catchy, yo," Jerry said. "We're the best, don't mind bragging, so come and be... A Black Dragon!" We all said together. Then Jack went off on his own sounded like a dying cat, we gave him the same look we give Kim when she starts dancing. "Don't hate me for making it my own," Jack walked back into the locker room. "What's in the cage Jerry?" I asked. "It's a Peruvian Bush ferret. We gotta keep him separated because these wiry little fellas, can get wound up around the females," Jerry explained. "Ah, I hear that. I mean, the poor thing," Milton tried to play cool.

Walking outside the dojo I saw Rudy with a little kid "Rudy...you didn't steal a kid to try and get girls again did you?" I asked. "This is Sam, alright somebody watch this kid I'm hitting the lunch buffet at the bowling alley," Rudy tried leaving "Oh no you don't. You offered your help to the grand master so you're watching the kid," I said. "To late already gone," Rudy kept walking. "Hi, little man. I'm Kim, and this is Athena," The kid cut her off "Save it, blondie. I'm gonna need a car with enough gas to Vegas," Sam said "Listen here kid, just because you run chaotically over everyone else doesn't mean we are going to let you. Now you can either play nice and behave or I can make these next two days hell. Have I made myself clear?" I asked. The kid nodded fast and sat down in a court yard chair. "Good, now, I'm going to go grab my brother so he can watch the kid he promised to watch," I said leaving. 

After dragging Rudy back to the dojo to deal with Sam I went back to the dojo to find Jack. "But I'm a Sensei. I've got a dojo to run," Rudy tried getting out of his promise. "You know, Rudy, watching the kid and running the dojo...seems like you got a pretty full plate," Jack slide into the conversation. "I could take more of a leadership role. You know, help around the place, teach some of your classes," Jack said. "Yeah, between the two-" Jerry cleared his throat. "The three of us, we got this," I said. "Nah, thanks, guys. But there's no way I could leave my beloved dojo-" There was a big crash from Rudy's office. "Here are the keys. Yeah, every morning you have to plunge the toilet and feed the cat. Do not mix those up," Rudy tossed the keys to Jack and ran.

I didn't actually think he'd go for it. "Dude, we're in charge!" Jerry exclaimed. "Oh, I've been waiting for this for a long time. I have some huge idea," Jack started. "I got an idea of my own. See, it's Gis for beginners. Inside they have airbags. Oh, hold on. I got one in my locker," Jerry went towards his locker "Hey, uh, Jerry. Why don't you go write those ideas down? Uh, I mean, so we don't forget them," Jack said. "Oh, yeah. Yeah yeah, you're right. We should probably get to work on these chores anyway," Jerry walked into the bathroom. "What was that?" I asked

Jack looked at me confused "What do you mean?" Jack questioned. Before I could go further there was a flush and a angry cat noise coming from the bathroom at Jerry came stumbling out "Feeding the toilet...no problem. But woo! Tomorrow...you're plunging the cat," Jerry left. "Don't you think that was a little rude?" I asked. "What?" Jack said. "You completely disregarded Jerry's idea and didn't even let him finish. I know you always wanted to have a more in charge role here but please don't let it go to your head, or we'll have an issue," I made my point. "I promise I won't let this go to my head," Jack said. I left to go check on Rudy, Kim, and Milton but that didn't last long when I saw the hell Sam was putting them through. So I went back to the dojo, "Hey Jack, what's going on?" I asked. 

There were actual students in the dojo "I got some new student," Jack was very proud of himself. "Wow, you did something Rudy's been trying to do for years. Good job babe," I may have only boosted his ego on that one. But it's fine, he looked like a golden retriever puppy, "Hey, what's going on?" Jerry asked. "I'm teaching the 3:30 class," Jack stated. "But the 3:30 class doesn't start till 4:15," Jerry said. "Jerry that would mean the class was about 15 minutes long," I added. I was stretching on the floor by Jack "Jerry, since I've been in charge, I've made some changes around here. I even got some new students," Jack explained. This made Jerry confused "Students? Is that who these people are?" Jerry questioned. He walked over to the further person from were Jack and I were "Yo, white belt! You're standing in my spot. It's called the Jerry zone, so step off, not-Jerry," Jerry threatened the poor guy.

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