Kickin' It in china

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~~just the shoes and clothes~~for the beginning of the episode~~

Jack, Milton, Jerry, Eddie, and I were walking back to the courtyard outside the dojo after getting Chinese food. "Boy, this Chinese food is terrible," Jerry complains. "Well, what do expect from a place called "The Scabby Dragon?" Eddie questions. Jack goes up and steals one of the fortune cookies, "I'll take one of these fortune cookies, hard to mess them up," he says. He opens it up and reads "You are about to embark on an exciting journey,"

"Oh sweet, dude. That's a good one," Jerry says. "Jerry you do know that these are just pieces of paper stuffed inside a cookie. They're completely useless," I explained. Of course, this went right over his head and they all grabbed one "A surprise will fall from the sky," Eddie readout. "Your carelessness will harm a friend" Milton added. "You have a nose for trou-" Jerry got stuck. "Sound it out," Milton helped. "Trouble," Jerry finished. I walked into the dojo to avoid anything that was about to happen. 

Jack and Rudy walked out of his office both looked excited. "What's up?" I asked. "I'm going to China!" Jack exclaimed picking me up in a hug. "I'm so happy for you Jack! Sucks we can't all go," I said. The others finally showed up and Jack told them the good news. 

"I cannot believe this. I am going to the junior World Martial Arts Championship in China!" Jack was very excited. "I was gonna go, but I'm not what they call, you know, good," Milton joked. "Guys, I've been dreaming about this tournament since I got in the martial arts. How did this happen?" Jack asked. "I may know how it happened," Rudy interjected. I knew he would drag this out so I made it to the point. "He wrote a letter about you and sent it to the officials in China," I said,

Ok so maybe I was a tad bit jealous that Rudy wrote about just Jack and not me. I was just as good as Jack and Rudy seems to favor him over me, his sister. "I was getting there, Thena!" Rudy chastised. "Jack's amazing, he's undefeated. He's never lost a match in his life," Rudy bosted. "Rudy, can I talk to outside for a second," Jack grabbed my wrist and took me with him. We walked outside and his hand slipped into mind, he did it when he was nervous. "Rudy, not everything you told those people about me was true," Jack started. I squeezed his hand in comfort. 

"Please, everybody stretches the truth. I do it all the time on my online dating profile, I'm not really a bathing suit model," Rudy tried. "Gross brother, grossed," I gagged. "Rudy, I'm not undefeated. A kid named Kai beat me so badly, I gave up karate till I came here," Jack explained. I moved my arms to pull him into a side hug, which he gratefully excepted. "JAck that doesn't matter now. You're better now than you were then," I said.

"Thena's right, Jack, it doesn't matter. You deserve this, and that's why they sent you, 2 first-class tickets to China!" Rudy held up the tickets. "You get to bring someone, an adult, a mentor, perhaps someone who's both here and a man," Rudy was being very discreet. "It'd be great if we could all go," I said still side hugging Jack, I don't know why. "Wait, first-class tickets are really expensive. Maybe I could trade them in for 7 coach tickets," Jack explained.  "It's settled, Jack and I are going alone! First-class! Endless legroom, our own entertainment systems, and hot nuts," Rudy fantasied.

I kicked at him still not (really wanting to) moving from the hug Jack and I was in. "I'm just saying, it'd be great if we could all," Rudy cut me off. "I said hot nuts, Thena!" Rudy whined at me. And since they were Jack's tickets, he turned them into 7 coach tickets. "Guys, we're all going to China!" Jack exclaimed walking into the dojo. 

~~Time Skip~~

When we got to the tournament, which by the way was on the Great Wall of China. It was so cool and very beautiful. "All right, this is amazing!" I exclaimed. I also brought along my camera, I wouldn't call it scrapbooking but "catching the moment" was a hobby of mine and it's not often I get to visit another country. "We are actually standing on the Great Wall of China. Just think, thousands of years ago, the emperor could've stood right here, leaned out over the edge of the wall, and yelled "YOU DARN KIDS AREN'T GETTING YOUR BALL BACK!" Rudy yelled out into the open.

Kickin' It in love (Jack Brewer)Where stories live. Discover now