Kickin' It on Our Own pt 2

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~2 Months Later~

It didn't take long for the group to grow a part. It was sad but honestly it started with Kim, she drifted first. Then Milton, his parents transferred him to Swathmore but we still talked every once in a while. After Milton left, Jerry dropped out; he now works as a janitor at Swathmore. Eddie's still at school but he took up dance lessons again. As for Jack and I, we're still always together, well when I'm not at karate. The new dojo I found is actually pretty cool and my new sensi was completely understanding about what happened with Ty. Jack stuck to skateboarding around in his free time mostly. 

Everything seemed fine until I got home in night "Hey brother, what's with the face?" I asked. Rudy had a look of worry and confusion "Uncle Blake gave me a Taiwan," He said. I sat down on the couch "Wow...Taiwan is pretty far away," I said. "Yeah, I told him I'd have to talk to you about this," Rudy said. "Rudy you have to take this promotion," I said. I wasn't gonna stand in the way of my brother succeeding "What you and your life you've created here?" He asked. "I can always go back to living with mom and dad. It's only an hour drive from there to here and I get my license soon, it'll be ok," I said. 

Rudy sighed and walked...well more waddled over to the couch "You think you could get the gang together? I want to share the news with them as well," Rudy asked. "Yeah I'll ask then tomorrow," I said. I went to bed after that. The next day at school I had to searching for Kim until I found her...with the cheer squad. "Hey Kim, think you could come to Phil's tomorrow night with the gang? Rudy's got some exciting news he wants to share," I asked. "I can't, sorry," Kim shrugged. "Come on. It's for Rudy, my brother. It's really important," I said. "Well, staying connected was important, but that didn't happen either," Kim jabbed. 

I scoffed "That's not fair I still talk to our other friends, and we all went in different directions," "We lost the dojo, Athena, but I didn't think we'd lose each other," Kim said as a guy walked over to her. "Kim, when you're done with practice, we'll go grab a slice," He said. "Oh, Kim this is Brett. He's my boyfriend," Kim explained. "Cool, I'll see you around," I left. I met up with Jack after school and told about Rudy's news and he said he'd help me talk with the others. We went to Milton first, Swathmore students just got out of school so walking in wasn't a problem. We saw as Claire walk away from Milton and we snuck up behind him. Milton whipped around to see us. "Holy Christmas nuts! Jack! Thena!" Milton bro hugged Jack and gave me an actual hug. 

"What's up, buddy? I haven't seen you in months. Not since you transferred to Swathmore," Jack said. "It's good to see you. And that beautiful bulbous brain of yours," I mocked Claire. "How is everyone?" Milton asked. "We don't really know. We run into Eddie every once in a while," I said. "I've completely lost track of Jerry," Jack said. "Jerry's been here at Swathmore babe," I said. "I see him everyday. He's here," Milton added. "Right. Jerry got into Swathmore?" Jack asked. "Kind of," Milton and I said at the same time. Next thing we know Jerry comes sliding around the corner with a mop and headphones in sing "Surfing the lightning". 

It took him a few seconds to see the 3 of us standing there "Yo! Jack! Thena! What it do, man?" Jerry asked. "What are you doing here?" Jack asked. "Well, I left Seaford High to go to night school with my cousin Chewey," Jerry explained. "Yeah, that way I can work this sweet custodian job," Jerry added. "You and I have different definitions of the word "sweet" Jerry," I said. "Hey, so Rudy has some news he wants to share with the gang. Think you guys could have dinner at Phil's tomorrow night?" I asked. "He says has big news," Jack added. "What kind of news?" Milton asked. "Rudy wanted to tell you himself," I said. 

In a sad state of affairs both Milton and Jerry said no. Milton had a French Horn recital and Jerry had a date. "You think Eddie will say he'll go?" I asked Jack. "I hope so. What kind of news does he have to share?" Jack asked. "Nope, you can find out tomorrow like everybody else," I smiled. Jack pouted for a second before we walked into the building where Eddie was talking dance lessons. "Hey hey, Jack and Thena! What's going on, guys?!" Eddie exclaimed as he hugged us. "What's up buddy?" Eddie asked. "My brother has some news he wants to share with the gang tomorrow night. Think you could make it to Phil's?" I asked. "I can't. I got a big dance show. It's old school. It's about taking it back to the street. I get to wear bedazzled tights," Eddie seemed very proud to be wearing bedazzled tights. 

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