The First Date

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~Again just the clothes and the shoes~

It was the weekend after our trip to the Shaolin temple and I was getting ready for my date with Jack. He wouldn't tell where we were going but he did say it had to deal with a little bit of hiking so I didn't go formal. It was about noon when Rudy finally said something about what I was doing "Thena what are you getting ready for?" He asked. "I have a date big brother," I smiled. As soon as I said "date" he went into that protective big brother mode. "Since when?" He asked.

"We made a plan for today last week. It was before we left for the Shaolin temple," I explained. "When does he get here?" Rudy asked again. "He said he would be here about 3:30," I looked at the clock. Rudy nodded his head and I went back to getting ready, I was done by 1:30 since I decided to braid my hair. Rudy didn't say anything but I knew he was still not exactly happy about my date since he was sitting on the couch with a Nerf gun I got a couple years ago for Christmas. We sat on the couch watching TV until it was my time to leave.

There was a knock on the door at 3:27. Rudy shoved me back down on the couch and went to answer the door. "Really Rudy? You didn't need to shove me you already know the guy," I said walking up to the door. "Hey, Jack," I smiled. "You're going on a date with Jack," Rudy looked at me. "You're going on a date with my little sister?" Rudy asked, looking at Jack. I moved Rudy out of the way so I could walk out the door "Yes I am, and yes he is. I'll be back later, I'll text you when I'm on my way home," I said as I closed the door. I turned to Jack "So, do I get to know what we're doing now?" I asked. "Nope" He said popping the "p". "It's a surprise," He booped my nose.

I don't care who you are. If you get booped by someone you deeply care about it will make you blush and feel warm inside. "Never thought I'd see the day where Athena Gillespie blushed," Jack joked. "Shut up," I chuckled. As we walked down the sidewalk in a peaceful silence we stopped at a trail sight. "You wanna race?" I asked. I knew where we were now. It was this one trail that led to a lookout point over Seaford. "What does the winner get?" He asked. "We'll decide when I get there," I smirked. "I wouldn't be too sure you'll win," Jack smirked. He then said "3,2,1 go!" really fast and took off "Cheater!" I yelled and took off after him.

Unfortunately for me I lost. "Oh, mighty winner. What doth thy request as his prize?" I asked dramatically. I bowed dramatically as well just to be funny "I request that you admit I'm better than you at running." Jack smirked. I looked at him like he was crazy, I was how you say a "little" prideful so admitting someone else was better then me was never a thought "You're joking right?" I asked. His shoulder shook in a silent laughter "Nope or you could kiss me," Jacked smiled a dopey smile. "Hmm," was all I said. I was contemplating between the two, do I take the first option and put my pride aside for a second or do I choose the second option and just go for it.

"If I choose the second one can it be after we eat as I see a picnic is set up behind you," I pointed. "I'll hold you to that," He said. We walked over to the blanket where there were sandwiches, chips, strawberries, mini doughnuts, a couple of sodas, and a few other things. "When did you set this all up?" I asked. "I had help. I might have paid Milton and Eddie 10 bucks to set this up a couple minutes before we got to the trail entrance" Jack rubbed the back of his neck. "Well this is perfect," I smiled as I went to sit down on the blanket. There was also a small speaker that Jack started playing music, not very loud but loud enough we could still hear it but also hear each other speak.

We sat there for what felt like forever talking, joking, and there might have been a small food fight. Looking out over Seaford the sun was setting "Jack look," I said. Watching the sunset you could also see all the lights of the streets and businesses start to light up. "That's actually kinda cool," Jack said. We had moved to sit on the edge of the cliff side leaning on the wooden fence. "This has been very fun," I turned to look at Jack. "I'm glad I could make this memorable," Jack looked at me. It was like time had slowed down, like it was just me and Jack sitting up on the lookout point. We hadn't even noticed we leaned into each other until our forehead touched.

"I think I'll take that kiss now," Jack whispered. "Of course you would," I smiled. We move in sync with each other as our lips touched. His hands moved and cupped my cheeks, I placed my hands on his and I could feel him smile into the kiss. We pulled away after what felt like forever. I felt like I was floating in air, a smile never left my face. We look out over Seaford and notice how dark it got. "We should head back before Rudy sends a search party," I whispered. Jack "mhm" agreeing with me as we moved to stand up.
We packed up what was left of the picnic and made our way back to the trail's entrance. We walked in a comfortable silence all the way back to my apartment building. We were still smiling like idiots though we didn't care. "I had a really fun time tonight," I said turning to him as we reached my door. "I'm glad. I was freaking out a little bit that you didn't," Jack rubbed the back of his neck. I chuckled a little bit at his bashfulness, it was cute. "So I'll see you at school tomorrow," I said.
"Yeah, I see you tomorrow," Jack smiled. I leaned over and gave him a little peck on the cheek "Goodnight Jack," I went inside after that. I missed the little victory dance Jack did but I did hear the loud "Yes!" coming from the hallway. I laughed a little before going to my room and getting ready for bed.

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