Kickin'It On Our Own Pt 1

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Jack and I were late getting to the dojo for Rudy's demo in the courtyard. Rudy was trying to get new students to come into the dojo. "Hey, where have you two been?  My demo started 10 minutes ago," Rudy asked. "I'm sorry, Rudy. I forgot to set my alarm clock, and then I couldn't find my Gi and by the time I found it, I missed the bus," Jack explained. "I just didn't want to be here," I said. "You know what? It doesn't matter anyway. These people are obviously not into karate," Rudy said. Time was not on Rudy's side, right after Rudy said the people weren't into karate, rock music came on and the Black Dragons started doing their own demo.

And everyone seemed intrigued. "Gotta love timing, right brother," I smirked. Rudy glared at me before stomping over to Ty. "Jack! Show him what you got," Rudy called over. We went over and Jack did a series of moves that was impressive to the people standing around the stage. Then Ty had his student show what he could do. Which was indeed impressive, even I was shocked. But then Rudy and Ty started arguing over Milton as a "new" student. While Rudy was sulking about not getting any new students we were laughing at the memory of this pet store monkey we once let borrow Rudy's uniform. Then Rudy got a call "That was uncle Blake," Rudy looked at me.

Uncle Blake was the only person besides my dad who was supportive of me getting into karate. "He's on his way over to Seaford right now," Rudy explained. Now I know why he looked panicked, "Great" Jack said. "Not exactly," I said. "When I graduated from Seaford High, he gave me money to go to business school, but instead I used the money to buy this dojo," Rudy explained. "All these years I let him think that I'm this big successful businessman," Rudy sighed. "I can't believe you lied to family," Jerry said. "Lies are the glue that keep families together," Rudy gave a pointed look.

Rudy continued to mope around until we came up with a plan to fool my uncle. With Joan's boss out of the office for a while we were going to use his office to make it look like Rudy was the owner of the mall. While we were trying to get Rudy to look like a mall owner we saw he didn't have pants, "Jerry you were in charge of his pants," I said. "Hey, this is not my fault, ok? You people should not trust me with something as important as pants," Jerry said. The door opened and I shoved Rudy into the chair trying to hide the fact he wasn't wearing pants. "Uncle Blake!" I exclaimed. "Thena! How are you sweetheart?" He asked. 

I gave him a hug "I'm doing good Uncle. I'm a second degree black belt now," I said. "That's wonderful," He said. Then he went over to try to hug Rudy but since he wasn't wearing pants, Rudy refused to get up. Uncle Blake regretted asking for a hug when Rudy did stand up though, "All right, where's your pants?" Uncle Blake asked. "Uh, you know. It's business casual," Kim said. The team tried to cover up why Rudy was missing his pants and surprisingly Uncle Blake bought it. "Who are these kids?" He asked. "Uncle Blake, these are my best friends. This is Kim, Jerry, Milton and Eddie," I introduced. 

I then pulled Jack up next to me "And this is my boyfriend, Jack," I smiled. "You hurt her, and I wish you luck buddy," Uncle said. "Never dream of hurting her Sir," Jack said politely. "Good," Uncle gave a curt nod. "Well I'll see you two later. Guys come on," I said. Leaving Rudy and Uncle Blake to catch up we went and hung out at Phil's for a little bit. A little bit later Jack and I were hanging out in my living room watching some random show that was on when Rudy walked in "How was catching up with Uncle Blake?" I asked. "It was fine. I'm having lunch with him tomorrow. Did you want to go?" Rudy asked. "I would but I feel like it's gonna be about business stuff, so I'll have to pass," I said. 

The next day I felt like it went by so fast it was already that time of day where we were at the dojo for practice. We were all kind of doing our own thing when Rudy walked in and looked perplexed. "Penny for your thoughts brother?" I asked. "Well I had lunch with Uncle Blake, when I got there he was in a meeting and it was bad. I gave input that seemed to help, like I made the idea for Circus World better. Uncle Blake said I was a natural and offered me a job," Rudy explained. "What did you say?" I asked. We had all gathered around my brother at this point. "It pays over $200,000 a year...Comes with a company car. And who is the old man who just bounced himself out of his pants?" Rudy asked. 

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